1. Umeed (Hope)

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A/N: Hey there! I hope you liked the last chapter. Readers, please vote or comment because unless you show or tell us whether you liked our stories or not.. we are always left unsure.

So here ya go.. the first chapter!


Zubiya stood still in front of the Ali House. She mentally prepared herself to get rejected as she usually got in every aspect of her life.

She was scared that they wouldn't believe a word out of her mouth.

She had to at least try. What else has she got to lose now? She just lost everything she had held close to her except a few clothes and belongings which were kicked out with her in a single suitcase.

She took a deep breath and rang the bell and waited.

A middle-aged man came out of the guard house and gave her a strange look as his gaze shifted to and forth from her to her suitcase. Zubiya shifted nervously on her feet and looked down, fighting off tears.

"Who are you, my child? And what are you doing here at this time?" The guard asked kindly.

Zubiya blinked at the man, stunned. She had expected him to shout at her. Perhaps she had stopped expecting kindness from the world..

She took a deep breath and said softly, "I want to meet Asfandyar Ali Khan."

The guard's expression hardened and then he altogether gave her a kind smile.

"Come inside, child. I will call, Sahib ji." The guard invited her inside to his cabin.

"No-no please.. I'm fine here. I just wanted to talk to him.. And then I'll go.." Zubiya said, grasping at her suitcase tightly.

"Ok then, child. As you wish.." The guard said as he dialled a number on his receiver.

Zubiya fidgeted with her dupatta as she waited. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe she shouldn't have come here.

Anyways.. how were they going to help her.. what did she expect?

She was about to just turn back and walk away when the guard called her, "Child, wait! Sahib is asking for you!"

Zubiya for the second time looked at the guard with a surprised look on her face.

Ya Allah.. please help me....


Zubiya slowly walked into the house and slowly followed the guard inside. She left her luggage in front of the main gate in case she had to leave again.

She slowly entered a lavish sitting room where she once again stood in front of her savior.

"You?!" Asfandyar exclaimed, looking at her with a shocked expression on his face.

Zubiya shook like a leaf as she tried to rein in her tears and looked back at him with an unknown expression on her face. As if she wasn't sure whether to ask for his help or not.

"Do you know her, Asfi?" A middle-aged woman came and stood by his side as she looked worriedly at her son and then at her.

"Yes, mama.. she is one the who I - " Asfandyar stopped mid-sentence not knowing how to continue further. Not knowing how to break it out to them that what type of girl she was.

"'Who you' what, Asfi? Why did you stop? Who is she?" A young looking guy, who seemed to be older than Asfandyar asked him.

"Asfandyar, please tell us who is this girl? And what is she doing here at this time of night?" A middle-aged man asked Asfandyar sternly, which in turn caused her to look down at her feet.

This was a terrible mistake. She shouldn't have come here. She slowly tried to move back and head out without a word but was stopped with a hand on her shoulder.

She looked up and her eyes met with the ones that belonged to a younger-looking girl who gave her a compassionate smile.

She couldn't do anything much than blink back at her.

"Baba... actually, the flat that I live in Karachi... there my last neighbor was handed over to the police.. because he had tried to trap in a girl in his apartment.. And.. and she- she is that girl.. I had just reached there at the right time or else I think.. Anyways after sending him off to the jail, I dropped her at her house... and then I gave her my card and told her to contact me if she needed any help. That was two months ago. I didn't see her again until... now." Asfandyar explained to his father and looked back at the girl, who seemed shaken.

"My girl.. can you please tell us why are you here at this hour?" Asfandyar's father asked her, looking at her kindly.

Zubiya looked and gazed up at the man.

"I- I have been... kicked out of my house by my brother." Zubiya said quietly and looked down, despite hearing several intakes of breath. She felt the girl's grasp on her shoulder tighten. It felt as if she was trying to take her into her arms.. as if trying to protect her.

"You- you have been kicked out... at this time of night?" Asfandyar's father asked her half out of anger and half out of shock.

Zubiya nodded mutely.

"Usman, she is staying here for tonight. I don't want to hear anything else. I am scared to even think of how she travelled here alone from Karachi... Please, Usman..." The middle-aged woman came beside her and held her over the other shoulder.

She looked up and gazed stunningly at the two women, who seemed as if they were trying to protect her.

She looked at Asfandyar and found him gazing at her with sympathy. She found the same look on Asfandyar's father and brother's face.

She looked away. She didn't require anyone's sympathy. She just needed some help till she could collect herself together and could get back on her feet again.

"Dear child, can you please tell your father's name?"

"Khalil Ahmed." Zubiya said softly.

Usman Ali's face whitened as he thumped down slowly on the sofa.

"Baba!" Asfandyar and his brother rushed to their father and hovered around him.

The girl beside her rushed forward quickly and poured a glass of water and held it to her father-in-law.

"Usman!" The woman beside her gasped.

"I- I am okay." Usman Ali gasped out and gazed at Zubiya with a strange look on his face. As if he was remembering something. "You- you are Ma-talat's daughter? Zubiya?"

Zubiya froze as she owlishly blinked at the man in front of her.

Asfandyar, his mother, brother and sister-in-law kept on watching the two as they kept on staring at each other.

Finally, Zubiya asked, "How- how do you know my mother?"


P.S: Ooohh.. Cliffhanger! So do you find this story interesting? Readers please please please vote or like if you like where the story is heading off to and please share your opinions in your comments. But please no negative ones. I refrain to read them, anyways. Lol! So yeah.

Ciao. Love! ♥♥♥

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