15. Mustaqbil (Future)

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A/N: Hey people! A new chapter? Ready?

Okay. Have you checked out my insta page story yet? Saanwli Si Raat's Outtake #1 yet? If you haven't, go and check it out now! It's saved in my highlights. My Insta ID is provided in my bio. So yeah. Hope you'll like that one as well!

Hey guys, one more thing. What I am sensing is that this story's lack of viewers than the other Asfiya Fanfics. I am really feeling discouraged that my FF is not gaining much readers.. so can you please share it with your friends whoever is interested in reading it?

So, let's move ahead! 😊


"Excuse me? Did you just say 5 years?" Asfand choked out, still staring at Zubiya with wide eyes.

"Why, what's wrong with 5 years? I mean, by then you will yourself get a job and I'll be done with my house job.. Remember, you yourself offered me this suggestion?" Zubiya asked Asfand as she shrugged her shoulders while raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah- I mean, yeah... But that was then. When I thought you weren't open to marriage! But now, you have yourself proposed me... no! Not 5 years. Let's come to a deal. How about a year? You'll be done with your college. And then we can have the ceremony after which we'll head to the US. You can get admitted to a medical college over there and finish your house job as well. And after I get my degree I'll get a job in a hospital. We'll finally return once you finish your house job." Asfand suggested Zubiya with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah.. The plan's all good. But how will you support a new wife and everything? Won't it be expensive in the US? I won't feel comfortable living off Mamu once we get married. It's just a few years, Asfand. Okay, how about this. You quickly return after getting your degree and then we get married? I won't say no, then." Zubiya asked him softly.

Asfand stayed quiet a few minutes. Finally, heaving out a sigh, "I just- I just don't want to stay apart from you. I can't bear any distance between us." Asfand said softly, as he tried to avert his eyes from her.

This was a big thing for him. He had never expected to fall in love with someone. He had always thought that love wasn't in his fate because he had never felt anything for the girls that were in his college or the ones that he met during any family occasions. And now he had felt something in his heart for someone. For Zubiya. And to stay away from her for such long periods of time... he just couldn't fathom how he could survive them.

Zubiya looked at Asfand as he tried to avert his eyes from her. She could feel his struggle to share his inner-most thoughts with her. She knew this was new for the both of them.

She caressed his cheek as she turned his head slowly towards herself and caught his eye. She blinked twice and gave him a soft smile to let him know she understood him completely.

"Asfand, it's no harm in waiting. Now, we have our whole lives... My mother has always taught me this. To have patience. When my father wouldn't let me have any toy that I really wanted when I was a kid Ammi would always tell me to have patience. To have faith in Allah. To have Sabr. Because Allah has given us many messages in life which tell us to never take any step in haste. It always leads to failure. And I have faith that just a few more years' wait will make our this relationship more stronger. You know, as the saying comes, distance makes one fonder. It will be good for us, I'm sure. We'll be more mature then. More grown-up. I promise, we only have to wait till you return after getting your degree. And then I'm yours. No one will come between us. If Allah wills. In Sha Allah." Zubiya softly said.

Asfand nodded his head and smiled at her as he too whispered, "In Sha Allah."


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