25. Leap of Faith ~ Future Shot

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A/N: Hey there. Long time no see, huh? Anyways, a very very belated HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to you all! ❤

This one-shot was supposed to be uploaded on the valentines day as it was also a YKS day... I am really sorry I couldn't upload it on that day but here it eventually is!

Hope you'll like it though. :)


Zubiya sighed heavily as she sat down on a chair in their common room and rubbed her throbbing head.

She felt as if a tremendous boulder has been set atop her skull through her entire duty shift and couldn't wait for her break time.

"Zubiya, do you want some tea?" Asifa, her colleague asked as she stirred her own cup of tea.

"Yes, please." Zubiya said as she rested her head back against her seat.

Asifa quickly prepared another and sat next to Zubiya and looked worriedly at her.

"Zubiya, are you alright?" Asifa asked as she lightly felt at Zubiya's forehead.

"Yeah.. It's just my head that has been aching since morning. Asiya kept me up the entire night and Asfand here has his 24-hours duty. The moment I close my eyes she wakes up crying. Asfand told me to take the day off.. But today I have a really important conference meeting. I really couldn't ignore this even if I wanted to. Do you think I would've come willingly leaving Asiya like this? The only relief I get that she has Gaiti, mama and mami looking after her. Or else I would have been tremendously worried about her. I am going to head back home immediately after I finish this meeting." Zubiya said as she straightened up and took a sip of her tea.

"Yes. And I think you should take a week break as well or at least a few days. You'll make yourself sick if you won't." Asifa suggested.

"I'll think about it..." Zubiya said softly as she remembered the fight she and Asfand had a night ago.

The fight had been based on Asiya who had just turned 7-months old. She had just got home from her duty and found Asfand, still dressed in his duty scrubs trying to quieten down Asiya, who was crying due to her teething pains.

The fight ended with some bitter words they to each other. Bitter words that they didn't mean to say.

But what she said was the most cruel thing she had ever said to her husband for which she wished she could take those words right back.

She had said in a fit of anger to Asfand that he was no different than her own father. The moment those words came out of her mouth she realized what a huge mistake she had made. And the expression on Asfand's face clearly informed her of that.

How much ever he had tried to hide it she knew she had hurt him.

That night was the first time she had regretted her own existence.

As she watched Asfand walk around the room trying to lull Asiya to sleep with no expression on his face... she realized she didn't deserve him.

He had only tried to suggest her to take lesser shifts and stay with Asiya more for a few days. She had no idea why she thought in such a manner but a memory flashed in front of her where her father had hit her mother when she had once mentioned she wished to work.

Whatever be the case she had to solve the matter between themselves... because hurting Asfand almost felt as if a knife was pierced into her heart. And she couldn't deal with the pain anymore.


Asfand rubbed his eyes as he finally sat in his chair. The longest shift ever that he must have ever taken is finally taking it's toll on him.

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