22. Naya Aghaaz (A New Beginning)

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A/N. Hi guys. So glad that this story has been received with open arms and so much positive remarks. But with a heavy heart I have to say that this story is slowly coming to an end. Only a couple more chapters are left. Every good thing has to eventually meet it's end and this one is slowly nearing to it. But In Sha Allah, we will start anew with another story of them. Coz, I'm not done with Yakeen Ka Safar yet, and therefore I plan to write more. Sounds good? 😌

So, why don't we get ahead with this one, aye?


Zubiya startled and woke up from her dream, panting heavily. She felt almost as if she had completed an entire marathon. She rubbed her chest to soothe the panic attack she felt arising.

Quickly pouring a glass of water from the jug on her side table, she gulped it ravenously.

Feeling calm once she finished drinking the entire glass, she slowly got up from her side of the bed. Wrapping her dupatta around her arms and grabbing another shawl - thinking she might get cold later, she slowly walked out of the room without making much noise.

She walked out of the building and slowly crept up the stairs that led to the rooftop.

She sighed with relief once she sat on her favorite seat and rubbed her face as she tried to remember her dream.

What she saw in her dreams chilled her to the bones and she dipped further into the shawl thinking,

I should have just brought the sweater, damnit.

The dream, it consisted of a girl - a small girl, probably few months old wailing loudly as she laid on the ground covered by a mere blanket outside the gate.

Outside her house.

Where she had sat crying; begging years back.

It chilled her to the core mostly because it wasn't herself that she saw in her dream but the baby that was actually taken into their hospital the previous night, malnourished and very weak.

The baby was found in a nearby alley on the ground, crying weakly. A baby-girl, merely 6 months old.

Zubiya was about to head back home from the hospital with Asfand when the baby was brought in. They had just completed their 36-hours shift. Since it was their own hospital, Asfand had slightly put most of her duty shifts similar to his own schedules.

Zubiya, who hadn't encountered such a case had immediately decided to help the other doctors. Asfand had also joined her.

Trying to not think about the situation she engrossed herself in helping the doctors.

They had figured out that the baby had been left outside for almost more than 24 hours and had been wailing loudly until she was hoarse and weak with hunger, shivering in the cold and had eventually succumbed to a fitful sleep.

After the baby was taken into the pediatric section and IV drip had been injected to her small little arm, providing her with the glucose, which was required to get her back to her original health; the doctors had stepped out of the room to discuss.

They had decided to keep her under observation for 2 days straight while also looking for her parents. They were unsure to involve the police, but Asfand finally rooted out that he would ask Daniyal bhai first and then take the next step.

Zubiya had returned to the room in which the baby had been kept in observation, while Asfand was busy discussing the situation with the rest doctors.

She slowly walked to the cot and gazed down at the small baby - who laid all alone.

She is so beautiful.

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