12. Parwa (Care)

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A/N: Hola ppl! I know I'm a tad bit obsessed with cliffhangers. Kya karein... I like being all suspense type! 😂 Okay. So let's get ahead before you start throwing your chappals or andeys at me! (Hiding behind the wall).


Asfand numbly drove with full speed taking notice of the other cars lest he rams into them. Heart in his throat, he finally parked in front of Zubiya's college.


He tried to not think about her before he saw her with his own eyes. He took some deep breaths as he exited the car and walked into the college with long strides ignoring the stares of some students.

He strode directly towards the nurse room while asking for the directions and walked slowly  into the room where he was told Zubiya has been brought in.

He found her sitting upright, eyes closed with her head leaning back against the wall.

She was alright.

He stared at her face for a while, memorizing it. Ingraining it in his head how peaceful she looked. After another couple minutes he finally cleared his throat softly so as to let her know of his arrival.

Hearing the sound, Zubiya quickly opened her eyes and saw him standing a couple feet away from the bed.

Both of them stared at each other as if trying to communicate in their own language.

Asfand cleared his throat again as he took a couple of steps forward and sat at the end of the bed Zubiya was reclining in.

"So... Are you alright? The nurse had informed us that you fell off the stairs..." Asfand asked as he looked over her for any injuries.

Zubiya shook her head and sighed frustratedly. "I'm alright, actually. It's nothing that serious to be honest. You were misinformed because the Ms. Khalil that you were told about, her name is actually Razia Khalil. She broke her ankle in multiple places after falling down a set of stairs. She has been taken to the hospital awhile ago. And I just... passed out in the class... because.."

"Because she hasn't eaten anything since last night. She just needs some food in her. I've given her some granola bars to keep her sustained. I hope you will make sure that now onwards she eats properly. And I apologize for the misunderstanding." The nurse said as she entered the room.

"It's alright, ma'am. Can she leave for today? My mother is a bit worried about her and has requested for leave on her behalf." Asfand asked the nurse, ignoring Zubiya who tried to object.

"Yes, she can leave for today." The nurse nodded her head.

"Thank you." Asfand said and turned to Zubiya who was currently frowning at him annoyed. Ignoring her, Asfand picked up her bag and said in a deep voice, "Let's go, Zubiya. Don't argue."

Zubiya blinked, stunned to see this.. new version of Asfand. She became a bit nervous as she has never encountered an irate Asfand. Coming to a heavy realization that she was about to see this new part of Asfand for the very first time gulped nervously, nodded her head and followed him to his car.

Silence grew heavy between them as they sat quietly in the car. Zubiya peaked at Asfand through the corner of her eyes to find him looking forward with no expression on his face.

Oh God.

Zubiya shifted nervously as Asfand quietly drove them back to the house.

She felt relieved as they finally reached the house. She was about to step out of the car after Asfand had parked the car but was shortly stopped as her name was called.

"Zubiya, wait."

Zubiya slowly turned her head towards him to give him her full attention.

"Zubiya... You have no idea how I felt when I heard that you hurt   yourself. For a moment I felt as if... my heart stopped. The fear.. the panic... I- I've never felt like this before. I don't know why... but you bring out such feelings out of me. I- I care for you." Asfand said, softly without looking at her.

"Why?" Zubiya asked back.

"Sorry?" Asfand finally looked at her.

"I mean - Why? Why do you care for me? You shouldn't feel like this.. we have known each other only for a few months..." Zubiya rambled mindlessly as she tried to make sense of what he was saying.

"It doesn't take even a glimpse at a person to fall in love, Zubiya." Asfand stated.

Zubiya fell silent at his words. Her heart beat raced as the word 'love' rang through her head. Her stomach made some weird flip-flops and she felt like she was about to puke out the granola bar she had in the nurse room.

"How do I trust you?" Zubiya whispered back.

Asfand had to strain his ears to hear her words. His heart broke when he realized what she was asking.

A man had already made the same promises to her.

Asfand sighed heavily as he carefully said, "Zubiya, I have no idea how to make you trust me... I mean, I can't obviously promise that I won't make mistakes in the future. That I won't argue with you. Sometimes, I might even shout at you if I get angry... but there is one thing that I'm confident over that I will never raise my hand at you. I am not that sort of a person. I haven't been taught to disrespect a woman. I will never belittle you... not in private and neither in the public - in front of people as you hold a very high position in my life and I respect you."

Zubiya bit her lower lip to stop them from trembling as he listened to Asfand speak. Her heart wanted her to say 'Yes'. But her mind, thoughts, memories were stopping her.

Ya Allah, Please help me.

She had just started to trust Asfand as a friend which was a huge feat for her given her recent bad experience with Rameez. Then the role examples of her father and brother, had tainted her view about men. The only stark difference she has ever felt was in her mamo, Daniyal bhai and of course, Asfand. These three men have been successful to make her understand that not every men are like her father, brother and Rameez.

And yet, she still feared the thought of marriage.

"Zubiya, I'm not asking you to marry me right now. Because I've not even completed my House Job yet. I've yet to get a degree and then a job. By then, you will be almost done with your studies... And then, we can decide to think about- about our future. Zubiya... please do keep in mind about one thing. That everything depends on you. I won't force you into anything.. But I will wait for you.. till you feel that- that we can't have a future... And if- if that's how things go... then I still don't want to lose our friendship as it means a lot to me." Asfand said softly, and finally looked at Zubiya.

Zubiya glanced up at him and was lost in the fierce truth that reflected through his eyes.

She reluctantly removed her eyes away from him. Looking down at her lap as she played with her fingers, she mumbled, "I need some time to think." before she leapt out of the car and strode inside the house without glancing back.


P.S: Hope you liked it. Don't forget to like and comment if you liked it!

Love. Sweet Dreams! 💙💙💙

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