How to deal with missing a significant other 💕😔

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Stay busy to distract yourself from your thoughts of missing them.

- Plan exciting things ahead; this gives you things to look forward to while uplifting your mood.

- Don't wish time away to when you will 👀 them again, use this time to be productive. If anything this time apart will allow your relationship to grow stronger as we all need time to ourselves.

- Spend time with friends and catch up with them; being in a relationship can shift your focus on who you spend time with the most, so let them know that you still care and they can help you feel better.

- Stay in touch with them, this can help you feel as though they're not miles away and will comfort you. Facetime is a blessing and 📱 calls can make you feel even closer to them.

- Don't make your conversations with them primarily about how 😔 you are that they're away, ask them how they are and how their day has been, focusing on the negatives will only make you feel worse. This is also helpful for them as it doesn't make them feel bad for leaving you.

This post is based on if your SO is on holiday or away for a temporary amount of time. Of course, longer amounts of time can be harder to deal with but it's important to stay positive. I hope you found this helpful and as always, requests for tips or ideas are welcome

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