The Miracle Job ~ pt 1

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*Disclaimer, I do not own Leverage all of that belongs to TNT, I however own Blair and her little story line

Season 1, Episode 4 ~ Pt. 1

"Robert, you shouldn't have sent over the flowers" Blair sighed happily down the phone, as she looked over roses that now sat on her desk in the Leverage offices, yes they were cliché and they wouldn't have been her first choice in flower but honestly Blair didn't mind. She had never been set flowers before and the sweet gesture from her boyfriend couldn't help but make her smile, "I know you are in a meeting at the moment about you helping out at the hospital, but you'll be glad to know as of yet no new cases so I won't be flying off anywhere anytime soon. Speak to you later, love you." She hung up the phone and rearranged the flowers a little, before turning to look back at her school work that sat half-done on her desk.

Thankfully before Blair could even think about any school work a helpful distraction came in the form of Elliot as he rushed past her little cubby headed straight to the kitchen. If it wasn't for the fact Blair had now been working with the team for a while, or due to the fact she had gone out her way to try to get to know each member of the team on a personal level (to the point they were comfortable sharing of course) she wouldn't have understood the look on his face. But she could read the look on his face; that was his bro-sos look. Curiously getting the better of her, as it always did, Blair rose from her wheelie office chair and slowly followed behind the cowboy as he entered the kitchen in a rush. Hardison was already in there, placing his usual orange drink into the fridge as is supply in the office was dwindling to a dangerous level and he needed the stuff to function, a bit like Blair with coffee. Blair moved into the room and smiled at him and Elliot flicked on the kettle, turning to face Hardison "Hey, Sophie's here." He told him, though Blair knew it was a warning for her also. "Man, what do I tell her?" he asked them both in a serious tone.

"Anything but the truth," Hardison advised as he stood up, twisting the top of the bottle in his hand. The hiss from the gas inside being heard as Elliot looked over at Blair desperately.

"I'm in the same boat as you here, Eli!" she paused before frowning a realisation coming to her, "in fact imp probably in a worse boat, it's obviously she is totally my one-day-step-mother when my dad takes his head out of alcohol and finally opens his eyes, so I need to play nice!" The look of horror at the realisation she needed to play extra nice caused both men to laugh at Blair good humouredly.

"Love the sound of a happy office when I arrive," came the familiar voice of Sophie who walked into the kitchen and looked around at them all with a smile, "Hello"

Hardison just nodded a greeting as he stood back to watch the show knowing one of them would slip up and he refused to talk first unless it was him, "Hey Sophie." Was all Blair said, while Elliot looked anywhere but at Sophie muttering a soft.


"Thank you two so much for coming to my play last nice." Sophie said, grabbing a cup and pouring coffee into it as she looked at Elliot and Blair.

The girl smiled and nodded at her, "It was a great idea for me and Robert to go see it as a date, thanks for suggesting it Sophie." The woman smiled at the young teen and turned to Elliot expectantly.

"oh..." was all he could say before Parker bounced into the kitchen area, stopping at the door to look around at everyone before addressing Sophie.

"Last night was awesome!" she told the woman with such enthusiasm that Hardison, Elliot and Blair physically all reacted to the blonde's news. Hardison's jaw dropped causing the orange drink to pour out of it, Elliot poured boiling hot water over his hand as he made coffee for himself and Blair (she had seen him put the kettle on and knew he wouldn't hear the end of it if he didn't make her a coffee) and Blair almost fell off the table she had perched herself on.

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