Day Three

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Aidan POV
My heart beats a mile a minute as Ali and I decorate the Daniels' porch at seven in the morning. The same rose petals and hearts used to liven the place. This time the books sit in the opposite direction as to catch his eye.
"I think it looks good." I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
"We'd better go. Before someone sees us." Ali replies. I look back at the house wistfully, somewhere in there the boy of my dreams is sleeping, ready to be woken up by his very own Anonymous.

Isaac POV
I groggily climb out of bed, not ready for the day to start. The boxes are stacked neatly in the living room, my mom sits eating at the dining room table. I move to join her.
"Isaac honey, there's something on the stoop for you." My mom explains not taking her eyes off of the newest David Baldachi novel.
That wakes me up. "Really?"
She nods.
"She's going out of order." I mumble.
"Who's going out of order?"
Oh no. "Um, I don't really know who she is. She leaves letters in my locker with some of Shakespeare's Sonnets."
My mom puts her book on the table, as an English teacher, Shakespeare is what she does. "Aw, that's so romantic!"
Before she can question me further I rush out the door to the stoop. Grinning I pick up the book version of the plays 'As You Like It' and 'The Twelfth Night'. Tucked inside is another note.
I again must go back to my obsession with Shakespeare and gift you these plays. (Are you noticing a common theme?) I apologize for going out of order but it must be done and you shall see why later. Until next time...
Yours forever and always,
P.S. Happy Valentine's Day.
I walk into the house books tucked under my arm with a wide grin on my face. Happy Valentine's Day to me.

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