Day Three Point Five

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Aidan POV
Ali and I sit in my bedroom. She's whirling around me doing my makeup.
"Ali I told you I didn't want you to do this." I whine as she pats powder over my face.
"I know, but I wanted to." She smiles. "And don't worry it's going to look completely natural."
After a few more minutes of her speeding around me, I find that she's right. I still look like me but I look like I have actually slept more than five hours every night. She moves on to my hair.
"I think you should wear it down." She says digging around in my dresser drawer for who knows what.
"Whatever you say Yoda."
She pulls my hair out of its ponytail so it will fall in waves to my shoulders.
"You are gonna knock his socks off!"

Isaac POV
It's late in the afternoon and there has still been no letter. I've checked on the hour. Oliver leans in the doorway of my bedroom.
"Still no letter?" He asks.
"Sadly no."
As if on cue my mom yells, "Isaac there's someone at the mailbox!"
I spring out of my cross legged position on the floor and sprint downstairs stumbling a bit as I go. A stupid grin stuck on my face. Oliver bursts into a fit of laughter. I shoot him a scowl as I peek out the window. A girl with a white beanie over her blond waves stands at the mailbox she shoves an envelope into it. My heart stops. She looks from the mailbox to the road and back again in an infinite loop. I pull on a pair of sneakers not bothering to tie them and stroll out into the chilled February weather. As I approach her I realize I've seen her before.
"Aidan, what are you doing here?" I ask tucking my hands into my pockets. Her eyes shoot up to meet mine. Her usually hazel eyes now look more blue-green. My breath hitches. Aidan brings her arms around her chest. She bites her lower lip nervously. 
"Check the mailbox, it may clear up a few things." She says staring at the ground. Taking her suggestion I open the mailbox. A letter sits in it. I pull it out and sneak a look at her. Aidan is still looking at the ground face pink. I open it.
Lord of my love, to whom in vassalage
Thy merit hath my duty strongly knit,
To thee I send this written embassage,
To witness duty, not to show my wit:
Duty so great, which wit so poor as mine
May make seem bare, in wanting words to show it,
But that I hope some good conceit of thine
In thy soul's thought, all naked, will bestow it:
Till whatsoever star that guides my moving,
Points on me graciously with fair aspect,
And puts apparel on my tottered loving,
To show me worthy of thy sweet respect:
Then may I dare to boast how I do love thee;
Till then, not show my head where thou mayst prove me.
It's me. It's always been me.
Yours forever and always,
Aidan Fischer

My heart stops beating. I forget how to breathe. What's my name again? I'm so lucky. My heart soars. The girl I've pined for from afar for the past four years did the same for me!
I tear my eyes away from the page and to the beautiful girl in front of me. I finally notice that her blond hair isn't in its usual ponytail, instead it frames her face falling to her shoulder in waves.
"You?" I ask even though I know the answer.
She looks at me. "Yes. Me."
Those two words send my heart into a frenzy. "Why me?"
She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. "I don't know. But your smile has always been my favorite thing in the world."
She bites her lip again. And turns to leave. "I should probably-"
I reach out and grab her wrist. "Wait!"
She looks at me expectantly, hazel eyes full of hope. "I-"
I take a deep breath. "I feel the same way."
Her face contorts in a state of shock. The white in her hat contrasting with the dark paint of the A shaped house behind her. I want to kiss her. My eyes dip down to look at her soft looking pink lips. I really, really want to kiss her. In a brief moment of confidence I pull her closer. There's no space between us now. Forgetting I'm outside in the middle of a snoopy neighborhood, my left hand grazes her cheek, moving to hold the back of her neck. I bring her face close to mine. Her eyes flutter shut. Mine close too. Her soft lips meet mine. It's a soft, sweet, gentle kiss. Like saying, 'hello' for the first time. She pulls away all too soon.
"Happy Valentine's Day." I whisper.
"I can't believe that just happened." She says breathlessly. Her head resting on my shoulder. Her nose brushing the nape of my neck.
"Honestly neither can I."
"This isn't a dream right?" She asks looking me in the eyes. I kiss her again. She's shocked at first then moves her mouth against mine. I pull away after a few seconds.
"Definitely not a dream."
She rests her forehead against mine. She reaches down and intertwines her fingers with mine.
I laugh my hand still wrapped around Aidan's.
"Who is that?" She asks through a laughing fit.
"That's just Oliver."
"SHUT UP YOU JEALOUS HARPY!" I shout back earning me a glare from my mother.
"I should get going." She says, and she does, but not before giving me her phone number.
I walk inside feeling like king of the world.

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