Tin Man's Travels

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"I shall choose the heart, for brains do not make you happy, and happiness is the best thing in the world." -Tin Man  

 The tin man roamed the roads of Oz. Slowly but surely. Determined to at least reach the end of the yellow brick road. He had to see the wizard. The tin man longed for many things.

The ability to move his limbs without that terrible sound of scraping metal. He wasn't too fond of the limited mobility either.

Longing for something is even more heartbreaking when only your mind would let you reach it.

But it would be more heartbreaking if he had a heart.

There were advantages of this. The best way to prevent a broken heart is to not have one to break. There is no need to be jealous of a pair of lovers living their lives as if these were the very plans the gods laid out for them.

And only them.

But wasn't it amazing that the Tin Man still ached from the gapping hole in his chest. Despite the fact he's been around for so long. Seeing people grow up. Learn. Smile. Fall in Love. Skip over to see the wizard.

Yes, you'd think that the Tin Man has lived to see and feel, no, experience everything. But then why would he be straining every rusted limb of his tin structure to walk to the end of paths he's traveled a thousand times?

Because there is something that he hasn't seen or felt....no, experienced before. And the bronze patches on his dented surface were constant reminders that he was running out of time.

No. He couldn't rust. Not now. Not yet. Not until he made it to the end.

But his movements became stiff. The Tin man was desperately trying to just simply get his foot off the ground. To think the empty foot of a hollow structure now seemed to weigh more than him.

O why couldn't he live to be happy? Why wasn't he built with the chance to love? And be loved.

Right back?

But there's no point in asking questions now. For the Tin Man is now mute. No more strength to get the words out. Just glazed eyes to see people live in happiness.

The life he may only imagine.

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