Meet Cilan

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These chapters are very long so I guess that you guys will have to wait for the next ones to come
I will try to make a chapter once or maybe twice a week
Hope you enjoy
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Ash and his friends finally have the time to pay a visit to Professor Sycamore at his lab to tell him about what's been happening so far on their journey. Shortly after, the place got attacked by Team Rocket who once again attempted to steal Professor Sycamore's pokemon, and of course pikachu.

"We're blasting off again!" Team Rocket cried out in unison as they blasted off, disappearing into the distance leaving nothing but a brief shining star up in the blue, cloudless sky.

"Pikachu!" Ash called out to his mouse like pokemon before diving to the ground, catching Pikachu in the palm of his hands.

"Chaaa~!" Pikachu said, smiling at its trainer.

"Are you two okay?" Serena ran over to the pair, helping Ash to stand up again - something that she seemed to frequently do every time she felt like Ash was in some kind of trouble.

"Thanks Serena," Ash thanked the girl standing in front of him, an unfamiliar warmth spreading throughout his body when he grabbed ahold of her hand.

"I should consider stripping this entire place of a roof." Professor Sycamore joked examining yet another hole that was created on his ceiling. He just got the last one repaired not too long ago. Ash, and his friends looked upwards to see the crumbling pieces of wood and debris falling to the ground below them. They all wanted to say that it wasn't as bad as the last few times, but who were they kidding. It was just as bad... If anything it was worse.

Ash grimaced knowing that it was all his fault. It was Team Rocket that followed him everywhere, not them. They literally followed him to each region, "Sorry about that..." Ash apologized shyly while rubbing his nape as he looked at Professor Sycamore.

"Don't worry about it." Professor Sycamore laughed before walking up to Ash.

"Ash!" Serena said in shock, pointing to a giant tear on his shirt. "Your shirt... it's ripped!"

Ash tried his best to turn his head over his shoulder to examine the tear, but his line of vision was doing him no good. Pikachu jumped off his shoulder, so that he could take off his blue collared shirt to inspect the damage that's been done, "Awww man..." Ash said to himself as he examined the tear. It ran from just beneath the collar right to the hem.

"This looks like a job for-" Clemont began, propping his knapsack on the floor, ready to pull out his latest invention.

"I don't think so big brother." Bonnie placed her hand on top of her brothers bag to prevent him from unzipping it any further, "We need to fix it, not rip it to shreds."

"Bonnie!" Clemont pouted, "This one won't blow up!"

"Which ones haven't?" Bonnie teased her brother before the two began bickering with one another.

"I can try my best to sew it..." Serena offered, using her index finger to poke through the hole of the shirt. She was confident that she could sew it well, but she knew that it wouldn't be aesthetically pleasing to the eye. There was a bunch of loose thread, and apart of it already, somehow became frayed and worn out.

"That would be great!" Ash smiled at the honey blonde haired girl happy to know that he was travelling with someone who was able to sew.

"Alright Pikachu, use Iron Tail!" Ash commanded his pokemon, and Pikachu was quick to jump up into the air, readying its attack.

"Counter it with Pin Missile!" Clemont instructed his favorite grass pokemon, Chespin.

The two pokemon aimed their attacks, and gave it all they got. The two moves collided with one another, creating an explosion just above them, knocking both of their pokemon to the ground. The two landed on their feet, ready for their next attack.

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