Coordinators & An Old Friend

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With the warmth of the sun beaming down on the grassy field, the bunch of Sunflora moved about the area in a hectic manner. With their heads held up high, the flock embraced the warmth of the glowing star, causing their petals to look much more vibrant.

The young Performer sipped on the remainder of her Mago Berry juice before reaching for her hat, and tightly fitting it back onto her head. Placing her empty cup on the table, she watched as the Sunflora bustled about the field in complete sync. Watching them move around was giving her some kind of idea for a future Performance.

Hearing Togepi's voice, she then turned her head to the left to take a glance at Togepi who was busily finishing its lunch with the other Pokemon. Now that Togepi was fully adjusted to the group, it seemed to prefer being around Pikachu all the time rather than her or Ash. Even when it was time for bed, Togepi would fall asleep instantaneously with Pikachu by its side.

"We should probably resume our walk soon," said Clemont while piling up the empty dishes. "If we clean up fast enough, I think we'll be able to reach Santalune City before night fall."

"That sounds good to me," replied Ash who already stood from his seat, stretching his arms. "If we reach Santalune, then that means that we're much closer to the League! That just pumps me up!" He began jogging on the spot.

Serena giggled. "You should save all that energy for the remainder of the trip. We still have a long way to go." She took the plates from Clemont's grasp. "I can clean these," she said. "You're always cooking for us Clemont. You should rest too. Besides, if I clean these you can put everything else away, and we'll be able continue with our journey much faster."

"I never really thought about that," said Clemont, stroking his chin. A familiar expression began to overtake his face. With the lenses of his glasses emitting a bright glow, the inventor reached into his knapsack. "The future is now thanks to science!" He pulled out what looked to be a miniature ClemBot that was about a foot tall. "I call it The Miniature ClemBot: The Ultimate Cleaner!"

"Well I don't think I have to ask what it does," said Bonnie who shook her head with a tinge of disappointment. Leave it to her big brother to come up with long, boring and complicated names.

Ash's eyes began to twinkle at the sight of his friends new invention. "Wow," he said astonished, "Science is so amazing!"

"Pi Pikachu!" Pikachu cheered as it stood beside its owner.


"Let's just hope that it works..." said Serena.

"Alright then! Clemontic Gear on!" The inventor shouted out with excitement. Opening up a small compartment located on Mini ClemBot's back, Clemont reached out towards a switch, pulling it upwards, and activating his new invention in the process.

"Hi there. I am ClemBot," said the invention in the same robotic voice as the ClemBot that resided in Lumiose City. "What would you like me to clean?"

"Will you please clean these plates?" Clemont asked as he reached over for the dishes that were in Serena's grasp.

"Of course," it replied as it's arms extended, reaching for the plates.

In a matter of seconds, ClemBot began to clean the dishes with the cleaning agents that were built into its system. With the help of a few retractable arms that came from its body, it used one hand to hold onto a sponge, another to dip the dishes into a tub of water, and the last to dry off the dishes with a dry cloth.

"I think I'm impressed with this one," Serena said eying the studious invention, "For such a small robot you were able to fit all of these things inside of it."

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