Fete De L'Amour

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The sun began to slowly disappear beneath the horizon, the array of orange and yellow light no longer shining its colors onto the clouds. Ash could feel a slight breeze brushing against his exposed skin as he leaned back, resting the palm of his hands upon the grass. He turned his head to admire the honey blonde haired girl whose been sitting next to him for hours.

"It's so beautiful." Serena said breaking the silence that's been lingering for a short while.

"It sure is..." He mumbled as he continued staring at the girl who was taking in the view, "Hey Serena?" He sat up straight, moving an inch closer to her.

"What is it Ash?" She asked turning her head to meet his eyes.

Ash let out a small chuckle before reaching out to the pieces of her hair that was flailing in the wind. He tucked her hair behind her ear, resting his hand on her cheek. He could feel Serena tense up a bit by the sudden contact.

"Ash wha-" She asked startled, but came to a stop as the raven haired boy inched in closer to her face. The tip of his nose rubbed up against hers causing the hairs on her neck to stand up straight. He closed his eyes, causing Serena to instinctively close hers. He leaned in closer, letting the small gap between their lips get smaller and smaller.

"Ash?" He heard his name, "Ash?" He opened his eyes to see that Serena was no longer there. He looked around to see that the trees, the river, everything was starting to disappear one by one, "Ash?" The world around him suddenly began to shake, leaving distorted images of whatever was left, Ash!"

"What!?" Ash jumped up from his seat, jolting back into reality as he darted his head back and forth to see Clemont, Bonnie, Serena, Cilan and Pikachu all staring at him. He sat up straight, using his glove to wipe the drool that was just about to hit his chin. He slightly shifted his eyes downwards to see Serena's hand on his shoulder.

"I think you're training too hard... You were in a deep sleep." Serena giggled. Ash's face turned bright red as he stared at the girl who was sitting next to him. He just had a dream where he was going to kiss her.

"You were snoring really loudly too!" Bonnie added, leaning over the seat in front of him with Cilan and Clemont both sitting sideways to stare at the boy, "You were snoring like this!" She began to imitate the way he snored.

"I guess I should be taking a break from training then huh...?" He said, rubbing his head in embarrassment.

"Pi-Pikachu." Pikachu perked its ears up, sitting on Serena's lap as it stared up at its trainer in wonder. It noticed that there was something off about its trainer lately, but it didn't know what. It almost seemed like he was distracted by something... or someone.

"We're here everyone!" Alexa announced from the driver's seat, looking at her rear view mirror to see if everyone was okay.

After the event our heroes have been spending their time in Laverre City, once again falling into their daily grind. Earlier that morning Alexa got into contact with our heroes – after hearing from Professor Sycamore about where they were, and told them about the Fete De L'Amour. She asked if they wanted to join her as she wrote an article covering the event, and everyone was quick to say yes.

"This is so exciting!" Serena said as she stared at the tents and booths that were nicely organized around the area.

"If you don't mind me asking..." Cilan began, stroking his chin, "What exactly is the Fete De L'Amour."

Alexa took a few steps forward, after gathering the things she needed from the trunk of the vehicle, "It's a festival where you celebrate love..."

"Where you celebrate love?" Clemont questioned, not fully understanding the concept.

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