A) Daniel's Return

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A/N: I was really busy last week so couldn't work on it much. This chapter might be a bit boring just because Shauna, and the others come back, making it eight and then Daniel nine, so this is more of an introduction I suppose and contains few amourshipping moments. Sorry about that! Hope you still enjoy it though. The next chapter will be much more... suspenseful? :)

Togepi does stay. I have more plans for it later on, but I think it will be seen much more in a sequel I am thinking of writing. I'm thinking of having it perform with Serena just cause I don't see being a part of Ash's battling team. haha


A burst of flames traveled upwards before striking a cluster of pines that were not too far from the passing companions. The group came to a stop just a few feet away from the Pokemon Center to witness the canopy of trees omit a wave of dark smoke that began to ascend higher into the atmosphere. The flames began to spread, almost creating a large fire, but was quickly put out by what looked to be many squirts of water. The tops of the trees were now void of any color, and burnt to the crisp.

Serena wriggled her nose as the scent of burning wood wafted near her, "What's going on?" She asked, waving her free hand in front of her face to dissipate the smell. Her other hand had her fingers interlocked with the raven haired trainer. Ever since they caught Togepi just a few days ago, the two lovebirds have been holding hands during their travels to prevent Togepi from throwing a fit.

"I think its coming from the battlefield," Ash replied. Bobbing his head, Ash tried to get a glimpse of the action behind the cluster of trees, "Let's go check it out!" He said in excitement before letting go of Serena's hand to speculate the battle.

"Pika Pika!" Pikachu who stood beside Togepi began scurrying in the direction of its trainer.

Shrugging her shoulders, the honey blonde scooped Togepi from the ground before turning her attention to the Lumiose siblings, "I guess we're watching a battle."

"Well of course we are," Bonnie giggled before walking ahead.

Serena and Clemont followed behind Bonnie before a few familiar voices began to fill their ears.

"Good shot, but not good enough! Ivysaur, Razor Leaf!"

"Charmeleon, Flamethrower!"

As Serena continued walking past the bunch of trees, the voices became much more recognizable. She ducked beneath a few branches before finally reaching Ash and Pikachu whose eyes were glued to the battle happening before them, "What's hap-" Serena left her thought unfinished as she noticed Tierno and Trevor standing on one side of the battlefield with Shauna and Miette standing on the opposite end.

Serena's eyes glazed upon Charmeleon who was in the middle of releasing a a fiery burst of flames from its mouth. With quick thinking, Miette and Shauna issued their own Pokemon to dodge the fire headed their way. Slurpuff swiftly dodged the attack, but Ivysaur at its already weakened state had been scorched by the flame slightly brushing up against its hind leg. The grass Pokemon fell on its side with its health almost fully depleted.

"Ivysaur!" Shauna called out with concern, "Are you okay!? Can you keep battling?"

The weakened Ivysaur breathed heavily as it struggled to pull itself up from the ground, "I-Ivysaur!" It grunted in determination, glaring at its opponents who stood ahead of it.

A smirk curved upon Tierno's face, "You are definitely improving Shauna, but it's still not good enough." The plump trainer began dancing on the spot with his Blastoise moving along with him in complete sync, "Alright Blastoise, let's finish this off! Hydro Pump!"

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