The Haunting at Santalune City

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It hasn't been long since our four traveling companions have met Ash's long time friend from Sinnoh. With Dawn added to the group, the fearsome five finally reach Santalune City, tuckered out, and ready to head towards the Pokemon Center.

The five friends continued their walk along the cemented pavements of Santalune City. The leaves of the oak trees around them rustled about in the wind. Standing at the front of the bunch was Bonnie who was excitedly taking in the sights of the buildings and townspeople around her. Behind her was Ash and Clemont (along with Pikachu and Togepi), familiarizing themselves with the town they haven't been to in such a long while. The town where Ash received his first badge. He hasn't realized that it's been that long. He surely has grown as a trainer since then.

Walking at a much slower pace than the rest were the two girls, Serena and Dawn. Dawn temporarily ventured away from her fellow Coordinators to complete her own Kalos goal of seeing Valerie's fashions up close. With Serena's help, Dawn was set to meet Cilan at Snowbelle city to set her goal in motion. As for the time being, she was traveling with Ash and the others, and getting her own taste of Kalos.

Serena's jealousy towards the bluenette was quick to vanish as she realized how much she had in common with the aspiring coordinator. Instead of spending her time walking along Ash on their journey, she's been walking alongside Dawn, exchanging stories and experiences of their time on stage. The two were quick to become best friends, and Serena wished that they didn't have to depart ways in the end.

"I'm pretty hungry," said Ash, rubbing his grumbling belly. "Maybe we should have taken that snack break earlier."

"I was pretty surprised that you turned down that offer. Since when does Ash turn down food?" Dawn giggled, causing the others to join in her fit.

"Man, I guess I was just excited. We're almost there." Ash rubbed his nape. He was one step closer to accomplishing his dream.

"Pika, Pikachu." His electric buddy smiled at him.

"The Pokemon Center is still a ten minute walk from here," said Serena who pulled out her handheld device to make sure that they were heading in the right direction. "Once we get there, we can have some lunch."

"I can't wait!" Ash pumped his fist. "Then I can resume my special training!"


"And I can start training for when the Showcases start up again," said Serena whose excitement began to grow because of Ash's infectious amount of energy.

"AHHHHH!" A shrilling scream filled the ears of the five passing companions.

Everyone raised their hands to their ears as a few more screams followed the first. They frantically began darting their eyes around the area, looking for the location of such a terrifying call.

Serena's eyes fell upon four other kids, around the same age as her and the others, bolting out of a house next to them, and cutting through the nicely mowed grass.

"It's true what they say! There's a ghost living in there." A boy huffed before tripping, and falling over a lawn ornament. Too frightened to pick up the ornament, the boy continued his run the second his feet were back on the ground.

"A ghost?" Bonnie asked. "What ghost?"


"The ghost of Professor Langley!" The boy replied in a trembling voice as he jogged on the spot to talk to the passing companions.

"Whose Professor Langley?"

"He's the ghost haunting that-" The boy trailed off, his eyes widening as he looked past the five who were staring at him. "Just run!" His voice cracked before resuming his speed down the street.

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