Note: These are some random stories I've been advised to put up. A lot of them are a couple of years old or from gradeschool (elementary), so bear with me.
Mr. Million Teeth
I know a fox whose name was Trike. He didn’t like the name Trike so he never told anyone what it was. He did have a great sense of humor and was very clever. He was the only animal, in the entire forest, that could understand humans. The problem was, he couldn’t focus his eyes or move his ears. It was also very hard for him to find food because his parents died the day after he stopped nursing and his Aunt and Uncle didn’t like children very much. He only had one friend, named Bobby. Bobby looked really weird so Trike came up with an idea to get food.
Together, they would scare people away from their food. One day, Trike found a bush with long, multi-colored leaves. He took some and put it in his mouth. “Yuck!” He cried. Trike always hated plants, so he took the leaves to his Aunt and Uncle who loved plants to see if he could get some meat for them.
“Get away! Shoo! We have enough plants, already! And we wouldn’t take them even if we didn’t have leaves. We will not be poisoned by you!” Screamed his Aunt. He was taking the leaves back to where he found them when someone screamed ‘monster’.
“Where?” Trike exclaimed. The girl fox pointed to him and then ran away. “Me?” He said, confused. Then, he realized he could scare people from their food like this. All of a sudden, he heard giant footsteps. It was a human!
“Hello, little fox pup.” The human greeted him adoringly. He hadn’t noticed how far he had come on his way to the plant. Trike tried desperately to focus his eyes but just couldn’t. Without warning, the human picked him up and then exclaimed, “Oh no! You must have rabies.” She seemed like she was sincerely worried. “That’s ok, though. I’ll get you all fixed up. I’m Cassi and I’ll name you as soon as I know I’ll get to keep you. Ok?” She acted really friendly and she talked like it too.
Trike shook his head yes as Cassi started walking to the edge of the forest, with him still in her hand. “Are you frightened, little one? Why won’t you look at me?” He was scared but that wasn’t why he wasn’t looking at her, it was his eyes. He fell asleep whiled she was walking. When he woke up he was in a cage! Then, Cassi noticed he was awake and told him, “This is my home and now it’s yours too. I can keep you! You can play and sleep with other fox friends as soon as we cure your rabies.”
The next day, Trike was taken to a place called the Vet’s. He was frightened and already knew he didn’t have rabies. They were just leaves in his mouth, not foam! After a while, somebody yelled, “Mr. Million Teeth”, and he was taken into a room. There, he was, so called, “checked” by a very big human. Cassi and her parents were told it was not rabies but just odd leaves. When he got back to Cassi’s house, he saw three foxes waiting at the front door. Two of them were his mom and dad! The other was a girl he didn’t know. Years passed and Mr. and Mrs. Million Teeth (Trike and Trill, the girl he didn’t know) had a whole bunch of pups. Then they lived happily ever after.
The End!!
No, I don't like to Write. Where did you get that Idea?
RandomA collection of short prose I had nothing better to do with.