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raylee.njh: two times in two days. thank you for stopping to talk to me. i love you!! 💚🌱 @niallhoran
tagged: niallhoran
niallhoranupdates: AGAIN???
sofia.hs: okay but honestly i ship my bff and Niall so hard
horansguitar: this is such a cute selfie!
flickersessionsnjh: you've met him twice in two days and i haven't met him once in seven years wtf am i doing wrong :((
kyndall.lwt: a concept!!
nicki.ljp: somebody make a ship name already
horanupdates2017: do you mind if we post your pictures on our account?
horanxstyles: you're so lucky :((((
raylee.njh: @horanupdates2017 sure go ahead!!
sofia.hs: @niallhoran go ahead and follow raylee so y'all can date
raylee.njh: i think we make a cute couple
shesontheloose: you're so pretty!
niallhoran: it was lovely seeing you again!

*niallhoran liked your post*
*niallhoran started following you!*

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