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raylee.njh: hey hey hey! go check out my new YouTube video where i talk about meeting niall with my best friends! link in bio :)) 🌹
tagged: kyndall.lwt , sofia.hs , nicki.ljp
sofia.hs: woo!!! check it out guys!!!
niallhoranupdates: are you starting a youtube channel?
flickersessionsnjh: are you and niall dating? why did he follow you?
kyndall.lwt: raylee is FAMOUS
horansguitar: u guys are the cutest!!
nicki.ljp: yessss ladiesss
raylee.njh: @flickersessionsnjh no we're not dating. im literally just a fan. idk why he followed me but im happy he did.
raylee.njh: @niallhoranupdates I've been thinking about it and I might. me and my girls have thought about uploading some singing videos so if that's something you guys would like to see let me know!!
peytonlucas: raylee you got famous in like 48 hours teach me your ways
niallhoran: i would love to hear you all sing! It was lovely meeting you girls the last couple of days, thank you for your continuous support!
sofia.hs: DID NIALL JUST
kyndall.lwt: YOURE SO WELCOME @niallhoran
nicki.ljp: OH MY GAHSHHSBA
raylee.njh: omg thank you so much it means the world to us @niallhoran

*niallhoran liked your photo*

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