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rayleemorris: could not do it without my girls by my side 💜
tagged: sofia.hs, kyndall.lwt, nicki.ljp
naylee: she changed her user and unfollowed niall :(((
horanupdates: ok this is just fucking heartbreaking
niallhoran: you did amazing. so proud of your strength, together or not.
horanstyles: ^^^ he's so sweeet
horansguitar: theyre both so heartbroken I can't handle this
sofia.hs: so strong raylee. i love you.
harrystyles: very strong.
kyndall.lwt: brave 💗
louisholdon: she doesn't use the yellow heart anymore :(((
niallandraylee: come back come back come back
queenkyn: we all love you raylee. you're so strong!
kynnythemix: keep your head up ray we're all still here for you

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