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raylee.njh: i am so so excited and blessed to announce that my bestie @niallhoran has asked us to join him on his 2017 tour. i seriously don't know where we'd be without niall and all the support he has continued to give me and my girls. we are truly so thankful to have him. 💛🌻
tagged: niallhoran
niallhoran: cannot wait 💛
naylee: yellow hearts are iconic
niallhoranupdates: YES YES YES YES
flickersss: this is truly going to win tour of the year
horansguitar: fuck that ^^ it's gonna win tour of the century
littlemixupdates: YAYYYYYY
louist91: you can catch me at this tour!!!
kyndall.lwt: Louis kills me 😂
kyndallsadsong: okay if that ain't the cutest thing idk what is
niallandraylee: cuties cuties
sofia.hs: thankful for u @niallhoran
horanxme: greaaat now i have to sit through them while waiting for niall you may as well shoot my eyes out.
kyndall.lwt: here's an idea, go outside while we're on stage! or better yet, don't come at all!!! @horanxme
littlesadsong: damn kyndall is flaming
rayleesadsong: omg I'm so excited for this tour!!!
kiwisharry: im actually going to go deaf during the opening act
horansangel: same @kiwisharry
flickerss: y'all are so disrespectful

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