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raylee.njh: two months with my lovebug 💛 here's to the many more memories ahead :))
tagged: niallhoran
niallhoran: i was gonna post this one :((
niallhoran: thank you for bringing me so much happiness 💛
naylee: AWWW MY FAVS
kyndall.lwt: ok im not crying it's just allergies
nomoresadsongs: CUTEST COUPLE
glorydays: "LOVEBUG" IM CRYING
raylee.njh: anytime 💛 @niallhoran
louist91: super happy for you lad !!
sofiasharry: this is the cutest thing ive ever seen
sofia.hs: my besties are so cute together
kiwisharry: wtf no
louisholdon: i ship this so fucking hard
flickersss: everyone's fav couple
horanxme: you can literally see how unhappy he is this is obviously staged
glorydays: them being happy makes me happy
kyndallsadsong: fucking adorable

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