2. Stalker Much?

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Chapter Two

Stalker Much?


Trigger warning ~ Mention of suicidal thoughts ahead.


The corridor was eerily silent as usual when Karan walked towards the canteen. His foul mood was slowly getting better thinking about the food.

When he was near the canteen, he heard someone sobbing. Looking around, he saw her again, holding her bag tightly to her chest and crying her heart out.

She was so immersed in crying that she didn't even notice him coming towards her. She closed her eyes taking deep breaths but her tears were still flowing continuously.

Taking a place beside her, he kept his hand on her shoulder and instantly she flinched back. Turning her head towards him, she looked at him with a horrified expression.

Karan gave her a small smile, thinking she would relax a bit but the smile didn't work on her. She shifted backward and said "Please...please leave me alone"

Watching her being uncomfortable, Karan stood up and took a few steps back maintaining some distance. "Are you ok?" He asked after a moment.

Instead of giving a reply to his question, she asked him back. "What..d..do you want from..me?"

"I don't want anything from you. I just want to know if you are ok or not. Please calm down." He replied in a soft voice.

"Y..you...Leave me alone... If...if you don't want anything then ple..please go." And with that, she again started crying.

Watching her getting this much afraid hurt Karan. He nodded and turned around. When he was out of her sight, she hid her face in her palm and again started crying.

Karan instead of going to the canteen took a seat a little behind Naina and from where she was not able to see him.

" Why me? Wh..what have I done to see all of these? Why am I getting this punishment? Wh..why does everybody hates me so much..?" He heard her saying. She became silent suddenly like she was thinking something and then suddenly she stood up.

"I can't...can't do this anymore! No no, I can't!" She said and ran towards the washroom.

Till that moment, he watched her. He wanted to go and give her a tight hug. He felt that she needed it but it was not possible. He had never seen someone like her. This was all new to her but he wanted to help her.

Sure it was only an hour ago when Karan first saw her but she was able to make a small place in his heart. Like he felt a connection with her which he didn't feel ever.

God knows for how much time he sat there watching the empty place where she was sitting earlier. He was in his deep thoughts when he felt someone shaking their hand in front of him.

He came out of the stance and saw Virat standing there. "Dude where are you lost?" Virat asked him.

"Nowhere. But why are you out of your class?" Karan asked him back.

"The first class is over and I was going to the second one when I saw you here." Virat said and then added. "Are you coming or not?" He asked and Karan nodded his head. Getting up both of them went to their next class.

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