3. Will You Be My Friend?

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Chapter Three

Will You Be My Friend?


The shock was visible on her face. She never thought that she would see her bully so soon. That she would face Rishab so soon.

"There is nothing to clear. Let me go!" She mumbled slowly.

"I didn't hear you, baby." He said taking a step forward. Instantly she took a few steps back in reflex and he just gave her a sinister smirk.

"I said that let me go!" She said, this time a little louder than earlier. She hurriedly took a few steps but Rishab was faster than her and blocked her path.

"Don't you dare move from here baby." He said and held her wrist tightly. "So now it's time for our business."

"What business?"

"Like because of you, I'm suspended from college. The revenge is the business babe. We have to do something about this right?"

"Leave me alone... That was your fault! And I didn't even call the principal." She replied, her voice trembling.

"Shut up! I know what's right and what's wrong! Don't you dare speak over me." He growled in anger.

Naina ignored him while trying to free herself. His grip on her hand was really strong and she could feel the pain.

"Baby you can't free yourself. What is the need of wasting my time? Just listen to me." He said.

"What do you want from me?" She asked being a little more afraid.

"Say sorry." He ordered her.


"I. Said. Say. Sorry." This time his voice was scary and slow.

"I'm sorry. Now please let me go." She pleaded. She wanted to get out of there as soon as possible and she thought he would let her go after this. But his sickening expression said something else.

"No." He replied and pulled her towards him. She collided with his hard chest and he wrapped his hand around her waist. Using the other hand, he made her look towards him and then took her specs off.

Throwing them away, he smirked and then murmured "hot". In meanwhile she kept trying to free herself but his grip was growing tighter with passing second.

He kept roaming his hand around her body and she pushed him but it didn't help her. Suddenly she realized that he was closing the gap between them like he was going to kiss her. She instantly closed her eyes being disgusted.

But the kiss never came. Instead, she felt a sharp pain on her right cheek and realized that he had slapped her.

"Bitch thought I would kiss her ugly face." He said to himself and laughed and then turned towards her. "Never mess with Rishab Singh! I can destroy your life in a second baby. Don't you dare say anybody about this or otherwise you know what would happen. This is your last warning." He stated and then pushed her to the ground.

With a satisfied look, he turned around and made his way from there whereas Naina controlled herself after a minute and took her specs. Keeping them beside her, she looked towards the sky.

She could still feel his hands on her and tears instantly started falling from her eyes. Hiding her face between both her hands, she kept crying.

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