Shot 4.

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Shot 4

Karan's class went half an hour more than its exact time. Prof Mehta was in his full force today.

Karan was feeling hungry hearing the boring lecture and after yesterday he was forced to listen to the whole lecture carefully as Prof Mehta's eyes were glued towards Karan in half of the lecture!

After class he was making his way towards the canteen with Virat and Parth when he saw Naina, sitting in the same place as yesterday.

"You both continue, I will be coming in a minute." Said Karan and went to talk with her.

He patted her shoulder and sat beside her.
"Hello, friend!" Said Karan.
"Hi!" Said Naina slowly.

"Well, what are you doing here alone? Are you not hungry?" asked Karan.

"I have brought my lunch with me. I can't eat canteen's food."

"Oh! So will you come with me to the canteen? I'm really hungry" Said Karan.

She thought for some time and then replied okay.

They both went to the canteen and sat at a different table away from Virat and Parth. Karan knew that she will not feel comfortable with Virat and Parth so didn't sit with them.

Karan went and brought his food from the counter. Naina opened her lunch box. Karan's eyes fell on her tiffin and it was Aloo Paratha.

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