Shot 6

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Shot 6

Karan parked his bike and like always went to the temple. He wanted Naina to wish him first after his family so he didn't even meet Virat and Parth before coming to the temple.

He was checking his watch after every five minutes but there was no trace of Naina anywhere near the temple.

"Where is she? Come fast yaar Naina!!"
He thought in his mind.

He waited for her thinking she was late but when he again saw the watch, he realized that his class was going to start so he went from there being upset.

He didn't pay any attention in the lecture. He was angry with Naina. She said that she will come but she didn't show up. He decided to go and talk with her after his class.

After Karan's class got over, he was going out when Virat and Parth stopped him.

"Happy Birthday Bro!" Both of them wished together.

"Thanks a lot!" He said being distracted.

"Come let's go to the canteen." Virat said to him.

"I will come later you two continue. I have some work." Said Karan.

"As you wish. But you will have to come." Ordered Parth like a boss.

Karan nodded and went from there. He reached outside her class. It was still going on. So he scanned the class from outside but didn't saw her.

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