Body Swap Part 1

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Request by GloriaMrozek and a/n at the end of the one shot!

   Lloyd woke up in cold sweat, feeling the body fluids drip off of him as he tried to disintegrate the nightmare out of his body. In it, his boyfriend, Kai, and him had gone through a rough breakup and Lloyd ignored Kai's texts for help. Kai ended up getting murdered.
It all seemed so real.

Pulling off his covers and pulling on his green sweatshirt, he grabbed his grey converse and walked outside to take a breath of fresh air, relaxing his nerves immediately.
Cole has recently introduced him to a band, so Lloyd plugged in his headphones and let the world fade away as he ran his morning jog.

Arriving back at the temple, Lloyd immediately got surprised by Kai, who picked him up, swung him around, set him down, and gave him a cookie.
"C'mon, Lloyd. You're looking so underweight lately. At least tell me what's been going on so I can help you?" The brunette asked this every day, and it was starting to get on Lloyd's nerves.
"I'm fine, Kai. Just not hungry. I'm going to my room."
And Kai was left wondering what he did wrong.

Lloyd awoke in cold sweat again. Looking to his right to grab his glass of water, always by his side, he noticed he wasn't in his room. He was in Kai's. Hm. Kai must've brought me in here while I was sleeping.. Lloyd climbed out of the red covers, feeling unusually taller than usual.
On instinct, he reached for his blonde locks to brush back in frustration, but ended up swiping back air.
"Okay, joke's over. Who cut off my hair?" Lloyd was pissed now, and ran to the mirror to see the disaster of a haircut he must've had now, only to find...

He wasn't Lloyd?

(A/N) HEy guys! I'm back from my long ass, unannounced hiatus! This was an old request, and since this one shot book was getting so much attention recently, I've decided to start it up again. School has been stressful and I've recently moved away from a town I've lived in most of my life, but all is well right now, and I hope you guys forgive me with this one shot!

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