Season of Life

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   The snow was falling down from overhead and lights twinkled from rooftops. It was the season of life, and many people were out strolling the streets with loved ones and appreciating the time they had with them.
   A young boy, probably around the age of 16, walked around the streets by himself, his hands fitting inside of his green pockets nicely. He imagined a world where his mother hadn't sent him away as a child and where his father had always been there for him. He knew he could never have that reality, so he kept on walking.
   A brunet suddenly bumped into the green clad blonde, knocking him down into the snow.
   "Ah- I'm so sorry!" The unknown boy apologized, helping the blonde onto his feet.
   The boy who had been knocked down examined his aussaulter, his green eyes meeting deep brown eyes, highlighted with concern.
   "It's no problem." The two walked off in different directions, a slight tint of red shining on both of their faces. Maybe from the cold or maybe from embarrassment, neither knew.

   Our blonde friend sauntered up to a coffee shop, eager to get hot chocolate to warm himself up. He was planning on meeting up with a friend to discuss one of their school partner projects they were working on together.
   "Hey, Lloyd!" The blonde, whose name is Lloyd, looked up to see one of his best friends step inside the shop and shake off the fallen snow.
   "Cole, what's up?" Lloyd found a seat for the two to work at and waited for their barista.
   A few minutes passed until the barista had shown up, his brown hair pointed in different directions and his uniform sloppy, as though he had rushed into putting it on.
   "I'm so sorry for the wait! I was late and just- ah please don't leave a bad review," the boy laughed nervously, rubbing his neck.
   Lloyd's eyes met the barista's and realized it was the same brunet who had knocked him down earlier that day.
   "Uh- uhm. Could I-uh..? Could I order a coffee with soy milk i-instead of 1%? I'm, uhm, lactose intolerant..." Lloyd felt himself tripping over his words in the presence of this man.
   Cole kicked Lloyd under the table and then ordered a green tea.
   "Focus, dude! That's one of the guys I was talking to you about. His name is Kai. He and I have been talking recently," Cole laughed at the blushing mess sitting in front of him.
   "I don't control my friggin feelings, Mr. I'm-So-Nice-And-Smart-That-Everybody-Loves-Me! Besides, if he talks to anybody, he would know I'm Garmadon's son and that I'm basically 'evil spawn.'" Lloyd grumbled, fumbling with his backpack to get his laptop out.
   "Don't be so negative buddy. I'm sure not everybody hates you because of your father. I mean, your uncle is pretty cool? I guess? I mean, he's good at training us. We're basically learning Spinjitzu."
   Kai, the brunet, walked back up to the table holding two trays. Setting the tea next to Cole, he made his move for the coffee only to have it fall and spill onto the table.
   "Holy- oh god- I'm so- I'm so sorry! I'll go get a napkin and a new coffee!" The spiky haired boy ran to get the paper napkins from the back of the store, running back over to seep up the spilled coffee with the brown paper.
   Lloyd rubbed his hands through his long blonde hair, clearly annoyed. "I'll finish cleaning it up."
   Kai nodded understandingly and left quickly, preparing another cup.

   When Kai returned back to the table, he made sure there was a lid on the hot drink and set it down next to Lloyd, who was concentrating on making a PowerPoint presentation about Garmadon and his history.
   "Oh cool. I've heard about Garmadon. Isn't he like, a myth though?" Kai asked, watching Lloyd slowly turn his head around to see the brunet watching him type.
   The young boy turned back into his blushing state. "Uhm- actually he, uh, isn't?-"
   "Lloyd, be nice. Kai moved here recently with his sister. Kai, Garmadon is a real person and almost killed a lot of people. If you wonder why you almost never see Lloyd in school, it's because he's outcasted by the rest of the students except for Jay, Zane, and I."
   "Why would he be outcasted, though?" The two others conversed as though Lloyd wasn't there and they were holding their own private conversation.
   "Cole, goddamnit. Now he's gonna hate me and then everybody in f***ing Ninjago is gonna hate me and I'll have to move to my dad's stupid volcano island and confess that I'm the-" Lloyd stopped in his tracks and rewinded. "Just let me tell people once I get to know them."
   Kai left confused, leaving Lloyd and Cole to sit by themselves again. On the cup Lloyd was drinking out of, he spotted a little note at the bottom that read "do you maybe wanna hang out and see if you can trust me?"

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