New Beginings

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My name is Y/N Lestrange, Bellatrix is my mother, no one knows about this except me, the death eaters, my cousin who I haven't seen in years, my Headmistress Oplympe Maxime and my best friend Lottie who I have sworn to secrecy. The only real reason I attend Beauxbatons Academy is because my mother doesn't know I go here so if I went to Hogwarts and she escaped from Azkaban I would be pretty Screwed.

"Y/N GET DOWN HERE" screams Lottie, I roll my eyes and roll off my bed trying my best to un-fracture (I don't think that's a real word but oh well) my motivation.

I walk down the stairs that lead to the common room only to stop dead in my tracks when I see the Headmistress standing next to Lottie. "Y/N, Madam Maxime wants to talk to you" Says Lottie gesturing to the tall woman standing just behind her, "Um ... o...okay, what can I help you with?" All of the girls in the rooms stare at me, some whispering to their friends and others just staring, "I think it would be wise to go some where more private to talk" she says in her thick French accent, I nod and we make our way up the stairs to my dorm.

As we approach my dorm I hesitantly open the door, worried sick about what she wants to talk about. She walks in and I close the door behind us , I take a deep breath then turn to face her, she is sitting on my bed, she gestures for me to sit next to her so I do. She looks me dead in the eye, then sighs, "Y/N" she starts "Y/N there is no easy way to say this but your mother has escaped from Azkaban and rumours say that she found out your here" tears start to sting my eyes, threatening to spill over, "how could this happen?" I ask with a shaken voice, she looks at me, pity flashes in her eyes. "I don't know, honey, but what I do know is that it's not safe for you here" as she says that my heart shatters, this place has been my home for the last three years, I have so many friends here and now I have to leave?. I can't hold back anymore, my tears spill over, staining my face, she notices and pulls me into a tight hug "oh don't worry" she coos "I have arranged for you to transfer to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There you will be safe, the Headmaster Albus Dumbledore has promised me that he will do his best to keep you safe" I pull away from the hug, look up to her and smile "so when do I leave?" She looks back at me "the start of year four" I nod then frown, "i need to go tell Lottie" she nods and we leave the room.


It's the start of the new school year, Lottie and Madam Maxime came to wish me luck and to say goodbye before I leave. Lottie hugs me and we start to cry, "please take care of yourself  Y/N" she says, her eyes red and puffy from crying, I smile at her "I will, I promise, please don't do anything dumb, okay" she laughs, and we hug again, the train horn goes off "I have to go" I say letting go of her, I run to the train and get on, "I will owl you I promise!" I wave to them one last time as the train starts to move. I sigh and start to search for a compartment.

~ Seamus' P.O.V ~

I sigh and look out the window, I was relaxing until I hear Nevill run into the compartment and start screaming' "OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD, WHAT AM I GONNA DO MY MUMS GRANS GONNA KILL ME!!!" "SHUT UP NEVILL! You really need to chill, now tell me what happened" I say slightly irritated, "it was Malfoy he stopped my earlier and took the locket my Gran gave me, it belonged to my mother, I NEED to get it back" Nevill explains, I roll my eyes, I am so fucking over Malfoy, I stand up and turn to Nevill "come on Nevill, you and I are gonna get the locket back."

~ Y/N P.O.V ~

I started to wonder around the train looking for a compartment, preferably one that didn't have anyone in it. I turned around a corner and see a boy with platinum blonde hair picking on a boy, I watched for a little when I see he blonde boy steal something off of the other boy then tell him to piss off. After the brown haired boy retreated I looked up to see the blonde boy looking a me, "Y/N?" My eyes widen when I realise who it was "Draco!?" "Y/N!" We run to each other and hugged, I pull away from him smiling like an idiot, "how have you been Draco?" I ask excitedly, "I'm fantastic how has my favourite cousin been?" I smile "Um, Draco I am your only cousin" he rolls his eyes "anyway I have been good, um by the way did I see you take something from that boy back there?" I narrow my eyes at him "yeah so" he says flatly "give it to me now" I say holding out my hand, he sighs and gives it to me knowing that no matter what he does he will never win that fight, I smile at him "thanks Draco" I kiss his cheek and walked away, 'I need to find that boy.'

~ Seamus' P.O.V ~

We walk out of the compartment and walk down the hall, I shove my hands into my pockets and look back at Nevill who was nervously walking behind me. I turn back around and run right into some one, "oh my god I am so sorry" says the girl as she stands up, she then extends her arm for me to take, I accept it and we stare at each other for a little bit, I must say she was gorgeous, she had beautiful E/C orbs and amazing H/C H/L, she smiles at me and I die on the inside she has such a gorgeous smile, "hello my names Y/N, what's yours?" She holds out her hand I get snapped out of my trance and shake her hand "hey there Y/N, my name's Seamus, and this is Nevill" I say, she smiles at Nevill, then her eyes widen "oh my god, I was just looking for you" she says excitedly, Nevill looks really confused, "you were looking for me" he asks, she nods and pulls out a locket from her pocket, Nevill's eyes widen and he smiles, "thank you so much, but wait, how did you get it" he asks as he receives the locket, "oh um, Draco is kind of my cousin and when it comes to arguing with me he actually has no hope so he just gives in" she says and smiles "really" I ask "yes really, oh and by the way I am so sorry that Draco was being such an arse to you" she says sincerely, Nevill nods, "well I better go, I need to find somewhere to sit" she says and waves good bye, I grab her arm before she leaves, "Y/N wait, would you like to sit with us?" She smiles, "I would love to" we start to walk to the compartment, and I think 'I think we are going to be good friends.'

~ Y/N P.O.V ~

I turn a corner and walk straight into a guy, we both end up on the floor "oh my god I am so sorry" I say, as I stand up, I hold my arm out to him and he accepts it. When he gets up we stare at each other for a little while, 'damn he's cute' I think to myself, i snap myself out of my trance and extend my had, "hello my names Y/N, what's yours?" He shakes my hand, "hey there Y/N, my name's Seamus, and this is Nevill" I smile at Nevill, then I realise that he was the boy from before, "oh my god, I was just looking for you" I say, he looks at me confused "you were looking for me?" I just nod and get the locket out of my pocket, Nevill's eyes widen and he smiles, "thank you so much, but wait, how did you get it" he asks as he receives the locket, "oh um, Draco is kind of my cousin and when it comes to arguing with me he actually has no hope so he just gives in" i say and smile "really" Seamus asks "yes really, oh and by the way I am so sorry that Draco was being such an arse to you" i say, wanting to apologise for his rude behaviour, Nevill nods at my apology, everyone goes quiet and I remember that I need to find somewhere to sit "well I better go, I need to find somewhere to sit" I say as I wave good bye, Next thing I know some one is grabbing my arm, I look back and see Seamus, "Y/N wait, would you like to sit with us?"he asks, i smile, "I would love to" we start to walk to the compartment, I smile, and think 'I am so glad I bumped into these two.'

Ok so this is my first ever fan fiction, it is kind of long so comment if you want them shorter or if this is a good length, also I would appreciate it if you could comment ideas, thanks. Oh yeah and this one was 1601 words which is pretty good.

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