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3rd P.O.V:

It's early Christmas morning in 1993, and although this was an exciting day for most there were only three people awake. These three people just so happen to be Ginney, Y/N and Hermione, who were all excitedly chatting on their beds thinking up a master plan.

Y/N P.O.V:
It's 6 am on Christmas morning and the girls and I are already dressed and ready for the day, you see we have a plan to give the boys a rude awakening, literally. We sneak out of our dorm quietly, our arms full of presents for our friends, careful not to wake them other girls who are all still asleep and quietly sneak down the stairs and up the other set of stairs that lead to the boys dorm rooms. I quietly thank the lord that the boys staircase didn't have the slide charm that ours did and quickly make my way towards the door. I look behind me to check that the Hermione and Ginney were still behind me, they nod which makes me smile at them before I turn back around to face the door and quietly turn the handle, I open it just enough for us to get in with out waking anyone up and close it quietly when the girls make their own way in. Carefully I balance my presents before taking out my wand and putting up a silencing charm that I had learned while at Beauxbatons, when I turn around the I see that the girls have already taken their places at Harry's and Ron's bedsides, so I silently make my own way over to Seamus' bed, I look down at his sleeping frame and smile at how peaceful he looks before I place my presents on the ground and look back at the girls who both have mischievous looks on their faces, I raise my hand at them and count down from 3, 'Three' ... 'Two'... 'One' ...

"WAKE UP BOYS ITS CHRISTMAS MORNING AND WE HAVE PRESENTS!!!! WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!!" we scream in unison, the boys bolt upright with a start or in Neville's case they fall out of bed, we laugh at their glaring and confused faces before grabbing our presents again and sitting on the beds. I look at Seamus and see him blushing, I go to ask him why when I realise that I am only wearing a singlet and Pyjama shorts which then suddenly makes me aware of how cold it his, Seamus notices and lifts the covers up for me, so I crawl over to him and snuggle up to his side and quickly kissing his cheek.

"What time is it?" Asks Neville
"6 in the morning" I say nonchalantly, the boys look at me like I had grown a second head
"What?" Says Ron "you mean to tell m that you three woke me up before 8?" We nod and he groans
"anyway we have PRESENTS" I say, the boys sit up apparently more focussed now that presents are involved in this whole exchange and look at us expectantly. We all exchange presents with each other, from Ron I got a knit sweater with F/I *first initial* sewed into it, Ron had explained that he had told his mum about me and she insisted on making me one and also told me that I was invited over to the Burrow if I had no other plans which made me smile, I gotta pair of gloves from Harry, some lollies from Dean and a few books from Neville I thank them all and then turn to Seamus who had insisted on going last.
"Here you go love" he says while giving me a small box shaped present I put it in my lap and grab my present for him
"Here is your present" I say before kissing him softly, he smiles and opens it and immediately laughs at what he finds, which was a book on pyromaniacs and pyrotechnics, a fire proof robe and a pair of new goggles, he looks at me and kisses my cheek,
"Thanks love, I will be sure to read this" he says, I giggle at him before picking up the un opened box, expecting it, and then tearing into the wrapping paper, a beautiful blue velvet box greats my eyes, I look at it for a few second before opening it and finding the same necklace that I had looked at it hogsmeade

"Here you go love" he says while giving me a small box shaped present I put it in my lap and grab my present for him"Here is your present" I say before kissing him softly, he smiles and opens it and immediately laughs at what he finds, which was a...

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I lifted my head to meet my boyfriends nervous gaze,
"Seamus can you please help me put it on?" I ask, be nods so I turn around and move my hair out of the way *or not if you have short hair* he gently clips the necklace backing in place and then kisses the nape of my neck causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach and a blush to rise to my face.
Suddenly a retching noise comes from the other side of the room, we look over to see Ron, Dean, Harry and Neville playfully wrenching and covering their eyes muttering something about how 'they were traumatised' or that 'next thing you know she will be pregnant', meanwhile the two girls are fan-girling over how how adorable we are. Seamus and I look and laugh softly, cuddling back into his chest.

The rest of the day was full of conversations about what we should do while the common room was empty. Hermione and I spoke about her muggle family. Most of the day was spent in the room, on,y leaving to go to the toilet, amazingly the house elf decided to bring food up to us during the day flashing us kind smiles every time we made eye contact with one of them.

It was pure bliss

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