The Dream pt2

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I don't know where I'm going I just know I have to leave. I have been walking for about ten minutes know, when I suddenly hear footsteps behind me, 

"Y/N WAIT UP" yells Seamus

'NO, LEAVE ME ALONE" I yell back, suddenly there is a hand on my arm pulling me back. I turn around and death stare Seamus, "I told you to leave me alone"

"yeah well, I cant do that love, but what I can do is listen to you, if you tell me what happened" as I listen to him my tears start to fall, and I hug him, its the only thing I can think of to do in this moment. so I hug him and cry into his shoulder as he tries his best to calm me down. he directs me to a chair at one of the edges of the yard.

"Sshh, Y/N it's ok, your ok'" he whispers, "do you want to tell me what's wrong?" I,  nod and look up

"I had nightmare about my mother, and in it she was speaking to me, telling me that she was coming for me and that when she does that I will join her as a death eater or die at the hands of her, I have already been disowned just for being sorted into Gryffindor, and I refuse to become a murderer, she WILL kill me and after she does she will be coming after everyone I care about, and that includes you" I take a deep breath before I continue "you all need to stop hanging out with me, it's not good for you any of you, and I will not be the reason that you and everyone else dies, please, Seamus stop being around me" I beg, he sighs and looks me in the eye

 "Y/N, we both know I can't do that"

"and why not, Seamus do you know what this is called? it's called death by affiliation"

"I cant and wont leave you because I love you, and I don't care if you don't feel the same way, you just need to know tha-" I cut him off by kissing him, the kiss was short lived but it was sweet and full of love

"I feel the same way" I say, we smile at each other as he wipes away a few stray tears,

"I want you to know that I will be here for you and so will the rest of our friends but for now lets just focus on us" I nod and we go in for another kiss, this one is a lot better than the last, it was filled with passion an love and-                             


"fUCK OFF GUYS" yells Seamus, our friends hesitantly agree, but Ginny and Hermione did have to be dragged away, I watched it happen. when they are finally gone I look back at Seamus and blush

"so uh, does this make us a thing?"

"yes, I think it does"

"well then, when is our first date?"

"How about the hogsmeade trip can be our first official date as a couple?"

"I like the sound of that"

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