The date

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"GET UP, GET UP, GET UP, Y/N YOUR GOING ON YOUR DATE WITH FINNIGAN TODAY!" yells Ginny, i groan and sit up, knowing that she wont go away if i don't.

"ok so what are you going to wear?" asks Hermione, which surprises me because i didnt think that hermione would be one for fashion.

"I dont know, somejeans and a t-shirt i guess" as i say this Ginny gasps

"You guess, Y/N you dont just guess with these things. But luckily for you i know alot about fashion so, just give me a second while i choose your outfit, and once we get your outfir done we will choose your shoes, then we will do your hair and makeup and get any accesories if needed" she says

"wow, just wow" i say

"Oh shut up, sit down and wait for me to finish" says Ginny, "oh and Hermione, can you please go and tell Finnigan that he should wait at the entrance of the Gryffingor common room" Hermione nods and leaves. "Now lets do this"

--------Time Skip--------

"and done" says ginny as she finishes my makeup, i stand up and look in one of the full length mirrors, i gasp when i see myself, i look amazing

"Thank you so much Ginny, I look amazing"

"I know and your welcome. but you can thank me more later, you have a date to get to now go" she says, I nod and hug her one more time before rushing out the door. whilst going down the stairs I see Hermione, she looks at me and smiles, 

"Y/N you look absolutely amzing, now finnnigan is waiting for you at the three broomsticks, the boys went with him to keep him company until you showed up, so go" she says, i nod and rush out the Gryffindor common room.


i finally arrive at hogsmeade, i ake my way over to the three broomsticks, but am stopped my someone, i tuurn around and see Draco, i immediately start glaring at him

"What do you want Malfoy?" i ask

"Look i'm sorry about what i called your frie-"

"No Draco your not sorry, want to know how i know that" he nods "your ears twitch when your lying" he quickly grabs his ears, which gives me the perfect escape time, i quickly walk away and open the door to the three broomsticks. when i walk inside i was immediately hit with a wave of warmth, and the lovely smell of butter beer. i look around and quickly spot the boys in the corner, laughing at a very nervous looking Seamus. i catch his eye and he smiles and blushes, i walk over to him, carefully trying not to fall over while wearing my heels. when i get to the table, the other boys dont realise my presnece, so i clear my throat, they look up at me and i smile at them. 

"Hello boys, can i sit down?" i ask, they all nod and stand up , getting ready to leave us alone

"Bye Finnigan, Have fun, oh and by the way, your looking lovely as always" says George

"Why thankyou George" I say , before sitting next to Seamus. The boys finally all leave so I look over to Seamus who looks incredibly nervous

"Are you ok Seamus?" I ask

"Yeah, um aren't you cold its snowing and your in a dress"

"Yeah, warmth charm" I say, he nods and puts his arm around my shoulders, "so, should we get something to drink?" I ask

"oh, um yeah, sorry you just look beautiful today, not to say you don't look beautiful every other day it's jus-" I cut him of by kissing him, again.

"thankyou, shall I go order?" he nods, sort of star struck, I giggle and get up. I walk over to the counter and see a guy maybe a few years older than me, he looks at me and smiles

"Well hello there gorgeous, what can I get you" he says in a heavy American accent, I roll my eyes at his horrible flirting

"I'm doing fine ... thanks. Anyway can I get two butter beers please?" he chuckles

"who is the other one for, do you have a friend over there?" he chuckles even more, so I start to giggle then abruptly stop which startles him

"no, but my boyfriend is, now can i please have two butter beers, thankyou" he nods and one of his co workers bursts into a fit of laughter saying something about him being rejected, I smirk to myself and walk away, when I get back to the table I see a rather upset looking Seamus, my smile instantly falls

"are you ok?" I ask, as I sit down

"no, why don't you go back to the back to the guy you were flirting with over there?" he spits

"what guy?"

"the cashier" he says

"oh him, he was flirting with me, so I ignored it at first, but then he kept going, so I giggled to throw him off and then told him that my boyfriend was waiting and that I wanted two butter beers" I explain, the angry expression instantly falls from his face and he starts to laugh

"that's my girl, well done, sorry for getting grumpy with you" he says as he kisses my temple

"that's ok, I probably would've done the same thing if some chick was flirting with you" I say, a few minutes later the guy who was flirting with me comes over with our drinks, Seamus pulls me closer to his side and glares daggers at the guy, I giggle a little bit and kiss his cheek, the guy scoffs and rolls his eyes before setting our drinks down. when he leaves I collapse in a fit of giggles, and grab my drink and look at Seamus again, he looks at me again and smirks

"So" he starts moving his face closer to mine after putting his drink back on the table "I'm your boyfriend?" I sigh playfully and roll my eyes, 

"I guess so" I say, he smiles and puts his hand on my cheek, gently puling me in, for a proper kiss, more like snog but anyway. the kiss was pure bliss, everything melts away, i cant hear anyone, it's only him and myself in the entire world.

I have never felt the loved in my life.

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