Hogsmeade/date Pt. 1

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mmmk, so I am not actually sure how many days are in the hogsmeade weekend, but I am pretty sure that there is only one day, but for the sake of the story there are now two days in the hogsmeade weekend. Thank you for understanding, and now ..... ON TO THE STORY!


i had my date with Seamus and i must say that is was one of the best times of my life, he was so sweet, and he made me laugh, i was never bored, he was very lovely.

we get back from dinner, and quickly made our way inside of the common room, all of the guys were sitting an the common room in front of the fire, as were ginney and hermione and a few first years, i had decided to go to bed because I was absolutely exaughsted and my feet were hurting like hell.

i only realise that he was holding my hand when the girls started giggling and silently squealing while pointing at our hands, i feel the heat rising to my face, and notice that out of the corner of my eye i can see that Seamus is also blushing ever so slightly. i roll my eyes at our friends and turn to Seamus and hug him,

"thankyou for today, it was an amzing first date" i whisper to him

"No problem, babe" he says, i blush a little bit and pull away from the hug, and then i give him a quick kiss on the cheek. the girls start squealing and run upto me, quickly pulling me up up the stairs,

"good night boys, see you in the morning" i say before i am shoved up the stairs and into my dorm by my two best friends. once we are in our dorm, the two girls hug me and then drag me over to my bed, forcing me to sit down, obviously wanting me to tell them what happened.

"Ok so, spill" says Ginney, hermione nods, i roll my eyes at them

"Ok so we didnt do much, but it was honestly one of the best days i have had in a long time, he is so sweet and funny, and an amazing kisser, his lips are so soft, like damn" i zone out thinking about how soft his lips are, when i remeber the two girls sitting beside me "anyway, the only thing that ruined today was this one american guy who was hitting on me, he was the cashier, when i went to order our drinks he started to hit on me, he was all like "hey there gorgeous, you got another friend over their?" or some crap like that, so in order to throw him off i started to giggle but then abruptly stopped and was all like "no but my boyfriend is, so can i please get two butterbeers", i have to say, i felt so good after that" i expain, the girls and i laugh

"AWW, that is so adorable, i'm actually quite jealous, i wish i had a boyfriend" says Hermione, ginney and i look at hermione in surprise

"Hermione, i'm sorry for being so surprised, but this is very out of character for you" says Ginney

"How so?" asks hermione

"Well you've always been so strong and independant, i have not once heard you talk about wanting a boyfriend" says Ginney

"Oh dont worry Ginney, we all know that hermione over here has it bad for a certain brother of your's" i say smirking.

"YOU LIKE GOERGE!" yells ginney, i burst out laughing

"Ginney as funny as that is, no she likes ron" i say

"Oh, well, just dont hurt him and remember he can be insensitive sometimes so try not to take offence to it" Ginney says, hermione just looks at the both of us,

"ooookaayy, so i was thinking we should go to hogmeade again tomorrow to get last minute gifts, or all gifts in my case, what do you guys think?" i ask,

"yeah i like that idea, i still have a few things i need to get, so i'm down" says Hermione

"well while you two do that I am going to hang out with a girl in my class" says Ginney i nod

"cool well it's getting kinda late so I think we should go to sleep" the girls nod and we all get changed and go to bed

"Night girls" I say

"Night" they both say

MMMMKKKK so part 2 will be up soon, but in the mean time I hope you enjoyed this chapter and leave a comment on things you would like to happen later on in the story. BYE

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