Eight ate bait... And got a stomachache

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Artist: Kygo, Parson James, Song: Stole the show^^ I love this song

By the way, the idea for the last chapter and this one is from:


C  O  L  B  Y

Sam and I packed our things quickly. Uncle Elton never gives us much warning, and we often have to leave wishing 30 minutes to an hour. 

I grabbed overnight clothes, my toothbrush and Sam's toothpaste(I've been out for about two weeks), a hairbrush, and a straightener(don't judge me!).

I was still suspicious about the lack of blankets, so I grabbed a good jacket. I shoved all my stuff into a backpack and went to check on Sam.

I saw him in his room, putting clothes and his toothbrush into his backpack. He looked up when I walked in.

"Hey, have you seen my toothpaste?" 

I smirked. "I packed it."

He sighed. "Colbyyyy. You have to get some for yourself!" 

I pretended to be offended. "What? Isn't sharing toothpaste and stuff like that a coupley-thing to do? I thought you'd like that, it's kind of like sharing clothes. Are you saying you don't want to share with me? Cause that would be selfish, Samue-" 

He cut me off by laughing, "Shut up." and pulling me in for a kiss.

We were interrupted by a knock on Sam's open door. "You guys just about done not packing?" 

Sam rolled his eyes. "We were packing, Elton, but we finished a minute ago. If you would give us a little more time to prepare in the future, that would be just wonderful."

Elton sighed. "Children are so ungrateful these days." He left to load the car calling over his shoulder, "Bring your stuff down, were leaving in 5!"

I picked up my backpack and Sam and I went downstairs. Elton was in the car, and Brennen was there too. 

We hopped in with them and Elton drove us to wherever it was we were going.

"So do we get to know where we're going now?"

"A hotel." 

Sam, Brennen and I shared a glance. "Care to specify?" 

"We're going to the Roosevelt Hotel, floor 9. It's in the top five for most haunted. Apparently, it's haunted by the ghost of Maryland Monroe and a couple other people who have died there, on the 9th floor. Some say you can hear children running in the halls and hear long dead conversations." There was some silence as we took in everything he said. He turned around at a stoplight to grin at us. "Specific enough?"

"Uh yes, thank you Elton for the terrifying backstory." Brennen flipped his camera on himself when he spoke.

(Fyi just pretend Elton and Sam were at the hotel cause this is fiction, buddy, you gotta roll with it *pics up piece of paper saying 'fiction'**rolls*)

We arrived at the hotel and Elton checked us in. We entered the creepiest elevator ever and I turned on my vlog camera. "This is the scariest elevator I've ever been on."

"Same," everyone agreed.

"Wait until you see the halls," Elton said eerily. 

"Stop it, uncle!" I turned the camera around  to face me. "So we're at the Roosevelt Hotel, one of the top five most haunted places. Apparently lots of creepy stuff's gonna happen."

The elevator opened silently and we all glanced out fearfully. Elton wasn't kidding, let me tell you that.

I had gotten bad vibes from entering the hotel in the first place, but the 9th floor was a whole different ball park. The dimly lit hallways were echoing with negative vibes and bad energy. Not to mention that the all-white walls and celings looked straight out of a horror film. 

We found our room quickly and set our bags down, looking around. 

"Guess what I brought!" Elton announced, pulling out a Ouija board.

"We forgot Corey!" Sam exclaimed. We all laughed.

We set everything up and started to play. 

"Give us a sign that you're here with us." I said.

No answer.

"Just, show us you're here!"


We all jumped and looked towards the noise.

After a moment, Elton said, "Welcome to the Roosevelt hotel..."

Sorry this was so short, I started to get freaked out writing this. I gotta write earlier in the day if Imma write about this; for some reason the Roosevelt hotel scared me almost more than any other overnights. I got bad feelings even watching it.

Okay I can't talk about this anymore I'm scaring myself and I need to sleep! Thanks for reading, and please check out my other books if you like my writing! I have quite a few more.

I just updated Silence so go look!

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