Chapter 6

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You know that feeling you get when you feel like your heart just drops to your stomach. Well that's the feeling I'm getting. I wake up and I start to regret giving that tape.

I get up and I start to get dressed once I finished getting dressed I go downstairs and grab a fruit and head out the door without saying bye to my mom, I start to have the good memories between me and clay because I know that after he hears that tape we're not going to have any more good memories. I get to school and my heart sinks down to my ass thinking what am I gonna say?, what am I gonna do?, will clay say anything to me at all?. I walk inside and its normal as usual which is weird because I was expecting something more dramatic like in the movies where everyone knows about my huge secret but it wasn't, I get to class and clay sits across from me, now my heart is completely gone I wanna say something to him but I mentally choke on my own words and I just look at my notebook.

clay looks at me and he opens his mouth but says nothing there looks away. "uh excuse me may I go to the bathroom?" clay says as he raises his hand. The teacher nods he head and he gets up with his stuff and leaves. half the day has already passed and clay has been avoiding me all day it felt like hell, finally lunch comes up and I finally build up the courage to talk to him. I look for him around the cafeteria and I spot him sitting down thinking without touching any piece of food.

I walk up to him and I sit down across from him. "clay we need to talk." I say with a serious face but I'm also nervous. clay looks at me and he opens his mouth again and yet nothing comes out. "clay say something." I say to him.

"if thats how you really felt about me why didn't you say anything earlier?" clay says nervously.

" because I was scared that maybe you didn't feel the same way about me." I say to him.

clay looks at me and I look at him and it was just nothing but silence between us. "I can't do this." clay gets up and leaves. a small tiny tear rolls down my cheek. I don't know why I'm making this such a huge deal when I should be worried about what are the cops going to do or what my parents are going to do and if they will take sheri to jail.

the day passes by and I decide to go to my favorite spot that calms me down when I need to be calmed. I go inside monets and I order a hot chocolate, Jessica walks in and looks at me I take a sip of my hot chocolate. Jessica walks to me where we used to sit when we were close, "can I sit here." Jessica says.

"sure go ahead." I say and then I take another sip, the waiter comes over and Jessica orders a hot chocolate. "so its been awhile since we been here together." she says smiling at me. I smile back at her "it has hasn't it." I say. Jessica gets her hot chocolate and takes a sip of her drink. There is silence now and I break it.

"why are you talking to me?" I say with a confused look. Jessica looks at me "because I feel bad for what I did to you, I should've believed you." I smile at her.

Jessica and I start to talk a lot like we used to when we were the very best friends.

I get home and i see my parents sitting down on the couch with the cops. "Mom why are they here?" I say as i close the door behind me.

"Because they want to ask you some questions." My Dad says. I sit down on the couch and the police opens up his notepad.

I tell them everything, i tell them the truth. I don't know what's gonna happen but i hope they get Bryce after what he's done to me and Jessica and probably more other girls. Once they get done and leave my parents just look at me.

"Hannah, why didn't you say this to us?" My mom says. I look at them worried "i just-." Some one knocks.

I open the door and clay is standing there. "Clay." I say surprised but nervous. "Can we talk?" He says.

I look at my parents and they allow me to go, i close the door behind me and i sit on the porch steps. Clay sits next to me.

"Hannah I've been such an ass to you today." Clay says.  I look down and then i look up at him "you had every reason to be mad at me." I say.

"No, Hannah i didn't, I'm mad at myself because I'm the one who didn't tell the girl that i love her." Clay says.  I looked at him and i smiled a little. I looked at his eyes and then his lips and then i just kissed him. We pulled away and he smiled at me "i love you hannah." He said. "I love you too clay." I said.

"I better get going, it's getting late." Clay says smiling at me, "I'll see you tomorrow at school?" He says getting up.

"Yea." I say as i smile at him. Clay rides his bike and leaves and i go back inside and go to my room. I get ready for bed and check my phone i had two missed calls from Sheri.

I call her back and the phone starts ringing, she answers.

"Hello." Sheri says.
"You called me?"I say.
"We need to talk."
"About what?"
"I know you gave the tapes to the cops."
"What are you talking about?" I say with a confused face.
"You better say you lied about my tape."
"No sheri why would i do that?"
"Because i swear to god if cops knock on my door i will say you were the one driving drunk and killed Jeff."
"You cant prove that."
"Don't worry i always find my ways."
Sheri hangs up and my eyes start to water and i start to panic.

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