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"You're a pig." My moms voice sneered through my head as I drove to Bandit's school. "You're just another waste of space." A tear fell down my cheek silently. "You're too much like your dad. I can never love you." I slammed my hand onto the steering wheel, causing the vehicle to swing a little.

"Little Bandit better be okay." I softly muttered to myself. My mom never wanted to have me, but the custody was forced upon her by my dad leaving. She loved Mikey, though. She adored him. Everything he did was perfect. It was gold.

I remember when he once broke a porcelain vase. Mom was totally okay with him breaking it. She blamed it upon me, for not looking out after Mikey good enough while I was locked up in my room and she was in the living room, playing with Mikey.

Lindsey never wanted Bandit, so the custody was forced upon me by Lindsey leaving on her first birthday. The only difference between my forced custody and my mom's was that I did enjoy the presence of my first born child. I did love the kid with all my heart. I was mad at her sometimes, for breaking something and such, and I punished her for it, like no friends over for two weeks; no TV for two weeks. It taught her well and she almost never misbehaves anymore.

I am proud of her.


I stormed into the school building and ran towards the classroom Bandit had let me to last time. I found Bandit sitting outside of it on a small chair, paler than usual, which is quite hard. The soft pink blossom wasn't on her cheeks today.

Frank sat kneeled in front of her, holding his fists against each other while Bandit tried to read what it said, a happy smile presented on her face.

"Read what it says, faggot. Read it!"

"Halloween." I manage to choke out. As soon as the word left my tongue, "hallo" was pressed onto my left eye and "ween" on my right eye, leaving two dark purple marks.

My speed walking turned into running, picking up Bandit from her chair before she managed to pronounce "Halloween". She immediately laid her head on my shoulder and buried her face in the fabric of my shirt. "Hey daddy." she spoke with a small voice.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked Frank, not looking at me, as I was looking at Bandit's sad little smile.

"I don't know, she suddenly came up to me and said she had to throw up." Frank said.

"Okay, thank you. Bye Mr. Iero." I told him as I quickly paced out of the building.


"Daddy, daddy can I have some water?" Bandit asked me, her voice still weak and fragile.

"Sure, honey." I smiled down at her and stroked her hair, which was now tied back in a messy braid. She tried to smile back, but quickly curled up from the pain in her stomach.

"Here you go, angel." I said as I placed a plastic cup of water in her trembling hands. I went back downstairs and found what I'd been looking for since we got home.

In the cabinet, under the sink, I found the pink bucket I was looking for. I filled it with a slight layer of water so the vomit would easily come out and walked back up to Bandit's room to place it next to her bed.

I entered Bandit's room to find her clutching her stomach with both arms, head facing the floor. The cup of water had fallen on the floor, making the creme carpet go a little more brown-ish. As soon as he heard me enter, she mumbled: "I'm so sorry, daddy. I didn't mean to drop it. I ruined the carpet, didn't I?" I could hear the tears streaming down her face by only listening to her even weaker voice.

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