Chapter 6

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I chuckled as I walked towards Nikki's trailer with Norman, Steven, Robert, Norman, Chandler, and three 'walkers.' We got to the door and I knocked, "Nikki, they need you on set." "Finally!" I heard Nikki yell from the other side of the door.

"Time to shin- AHHHHHH!!!" She yelled as she opened the for and saw the walkers. Everyone fell back laughing. "It's not funny!" Nikki pouted. "Oh, t-take a j-joke," I said between laughs. "Ugh whatever, let's just do this," Nikki growled as she walked towards the set. Everyone just laughed harder.

"Honestly, grow up," Nikki rolled her eyes. "Where's the fun in that?" Norman asked sarcastically which made me laugh a little harder. We all finally stopped laughing and walked towards the set.

I heard Chandler chuckle from beside me. I looked at him and asked, "What's so funny?" "Her face was priceless," He laughed. I just smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Ok, now let's get serious. You guys are gonna find Janna, aka Nikki, in the train car," Robert started, "Now Chandler, you just found your long lost best friend. You're excited, happy. When you see her, I want you to go in for a hug and you all know your lines?" Everyone nodded. "Ok let's make some magic! Places!" Everyone it on set and Robert yelled, "ACTION!"

The scene:

Janna had gotten into some trouble at Terminus and she was getting a punishment. "Guys, come on. Y-you sit have to do this," Janna stumbled as two men pushes her toward the train car. "Oh, by we do," One of the men said. One of the men threw open the car door as the other tosses Janna in.

"Let me out!" Janna yelled and banged on the door. "They won't let you go," A voice said. Janna turned and saw Rick. Both of their eyes widened. "R-Rick?" Janna mumbled. "Janna... You're .. You're ok!" Rick exclaimed. "Janna? Dad... Did you just say-" Carl stopped when he saw Janna, "Is... Is it really you?" "Carl!" Janna hugged Carl tightly.

"Courtney," Robert whispered to me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Could you go get Tristan for me?"


"Yeah, his trailer is right next to yours."

"Uh ok."

I walked towards my trailer and, sure enough, there was a trailer right next to it that said 'Tristan.' I walked up and knocked on the door, "Tristan? Robert wanted you," I said. The door flew open and a boy walked out. He looked my age, had long (but not to long) pitch black hair that made his blue eyes pop. "Do I know you?" He asked. His voice sounded like Vic Fuentes.

"Uh um... N-no... I'm... New..." I stumbled sounding like an idiot. I couldn't help it! Those blue eyes... They were so easy to get lost in! "A new girl, huh?" Tristan said with a smirk, "Got a name?" "C-Courtney," I said. "Courtney? I like it. I'm Tristan," He smiled. I just chuckled like stupidly. "So Robert needs me... Hmm. I can never get a break," Tristan complained. "Uh yeah, he wanted me to come get you," I finally said.

Tristan nodded and we walked back to set. I'm guessing they were done with that scene because everyone was sitting around doing nothing. "There oh are Tristan. Get these people their water," Robert ordered. I started laughing. "You're a water boy?" I asked. "Yeah. Gotta make some money so I can go to music school," Tristan said as he grabbed about 10 bottles of water. Well he attempted o but he dropped a few so I grabbed them an helped him pass them out.

I handed a bottle to Norman and he gulped down all the water in one drink. I just kinda looked at him and kept giving out water. "So, to plan in going to music school, what do you play?" I asked. "Mostly guitar but u can play drums too," Tristan said. "Oh, I've always wanted to learn guitar," I admitted without even thinking.

"I could teach you, if you want," Tristan suggested. "Really?? You'd do that??" I asked. "Anything for a friend," Tristan smirked, "Meet me at my trailer tonight." And with that Tristan left to give out more water.

I smiled to myself and turned around, only to be face to face with Chandler. My eyes grew and I baked up a little. "Who ya talkin to?" He asked. "Oh, th-that was Tristan," I stumbled. I looked down and saw he didn't have a water so u gave him the last on in my hand. "H-how'd shooting go?" I asked changing the subject, but Chandler didn't let me. "Look Courtney, I don't want you hanging out with him. He's bad news," Chandler said in a serious tone. "Bad? But.. He was gonna teach me guitar," I pouted. "Just promise me you'll stay away from him?" Chandler looked me in the eyes.

"I promise."

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