Chapter 2

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I asked Fey to be my date to the party coming up.

She said yes, and that she had been waiting for me to ask her for a while.

I picked her up that night not knowing what bad decisions I would lead her to make, god why had I been so stupid.

She looked gorgeous. Her hair hung on her shoulders in ringlets and she wore the most beautiful dress, it hugged her body just right.

Flattering her in ways I couldn't describe.

She smiled at me, she told me "thank you"

I asked for what

She said to me "for being my friend"

I thought to myself

You have plenty, why do I matter?

That's when I realized she was greatful for her friends, all of them.

She saw value in everyone.

She didn't see how shallow and conceited the world is, and how Im no better.

The party was filled with underage drinking, gyrating bodies to the sound of music, and couples with their tongues down each others throat.

Usually my style, but apparently not Fey's, she hung back with a small group of close friends, she didn't drink any alcohol, she settled for water.

I watched her, she greeted everyone with a wide smile, always saying the same thing. "You look amazing"

She told everyone that, giving everyone a small dose of confidence. I specifically remember that,

Because I admired her for it.

The party lasted a long while, I had persuaded Fey to dance with me, I twirled her around, catching her when she stumbled, her laughing when she did.

Ah her laugh was infectious.

Fey and her group of close friends stayed back after the party was over, they stayed to help clean up the collateral damage the drunken teens caused, she was the only sober one.

I was tipsy, but could still come to my senses. I guess I just wasn't the smartest at times. I had freaked out.

She said she did not want to and did not plan to ruin her life.

In my past I had smoked weed, regrettably I had enjoyed it but stopped when I knew it was wrong to start using illegal substances.

But that night, tipsy and under peer influence, I persuaded myself and Fey to join them.

I wish I hadn't.

I wish I hadn't put her under all that pressure.

I regret being the reason for her downfall.

And that night was the night her life started turning around in the wrong direction.

That is actually inaccurate.

The day she met me, the sorry excuse for a human being, was the day her life would be turned around.

And all thanks to my terrible,



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