Chapter 10

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I open the front door giving Don a lascivious smile.

I stood out of the way when he marched towards me wrapping his creative hands around my waist kissing me passionately on the lips.

I can't explain how much I've missed him.

I throw my arms around his neck feeling home already. I'm crazy inlove with this man.

Can you blame me?

We make ourself comfortable on the couch in each other's arms. The television is playing getting our attention when a movie came on.

"What movie are we watching?" He asked.

"I don't know. You wanna watch it?" I asked raising an eyebrow waiting for his response.

"Why not?" He smiled.

He place a kiss on my front head looking at the television. I look at him locking my eyes on his that was glued to the television.

"Oh look at those sexy legs." I heard Don saying. I give him a slap on the chest looking at the screen when I heard an old familiar theme song starting to play.

Oh my god. It's The River Wild.

"Oh my god. Kinky."

I gave a simple laugh about to strangle him.

He grabbed the palms of my hands to stop me but was really gentle on his grib he had on me.

I sat on my knees on the couch giving up the fight with my laugh surrounding the whole house.

Roughly with no thoughts I climbed over straddling him while our lips meet.

I feel his hands rubbing upon my thighs over my butt to my waist then all the way to my thighs again.

"Friends. Sounds more like friends with benefits."

Me and Don look at Henry in horror that stood with the girls at the doorway.

"We can explain." I tried to explain. I jump off Don standing in the center of the livingroom.

Don just grabbed a pillow from the couch putting it on his lap to hide away...anyway...

"Explain what? That you're fucking you ex-husband!" Henry shouted at his dad in horror.

"It's not like that..." I try to stop him.

"Then tell me what's it like mom." Louisa interupted angrily

"It's obvious that you got bored you know." Grace agreed making me more angry.

"I did not get bored okay!" I shout at them to make them quiet which I failed at.

"You lost a fucking baby! Now just because we know you two decide to jump in bed and fuck the hell out of each other. You think we would forgive you because you lost a bloody child that you didn't know a thing about but somehow destroyed you fucking marriage! How can you grieve over something that you never even had gotten to love!" Henry shouted exasperated.

My heart broke instantaneously. My soul is screaming out. I'm dying again.

"Henry that's enough." Mamie stopped them. "That's enough from all of you."

"You don't have children Hen. Neither a fucking wife." I cried and ran up to my room shutting the door behind me.

Don's P.O.V

I stood up in horror watching Meryl leave. I look at the children throwing the pillow on the couch.

"I hope you're happy asshole." Mamie was angry at her brother. I knew it immediately.

"Go home all of you. We'll chat over the group." I said calm about to walk after Meryl.

"Do you love her?" Henry stopped me. I turn around and look at him.

"Of course I love her. I'm inlove with your mother and that will never change." I replied honestly and head up to her room.

I came in her room without even knocking. To my surprise I caught her standing naked at her wardrobe changing into her pyjamas.

"Can't you knock first?" She asked pissed off.

"I understand if you're angry..." I tried to sweet talk her.

"You understand nothing! If I knew better I wouldn't even have told the children about the miscarriage!" She cried angrily done getting dressed. "I'm so stupid!"

"Meryl, we did the right thing to tell them. We did the right when we kissed." I tried to get the negative in her.

"But did we do the right thing when we slept together?" She asked upset. "Did we Don?"

"Of course." I replied honestly. I walk towards her placing my hands on her waist. "I don't regret sleeping with you at all. I'd do that any day of my life. Not just for sex but because I love you."

She burst out in tears like she was exploding. I knew this was her breaking point. Good thing she has me here with her.

I pull her into my embrace moving the side of the curtains away seeing all four of the children leaving.

"It's okay." I comfort her.

She pull away drying up her tears. She step back shaking her head from side to side.

"You need to go. We're nothing more than divorced. I can't be with you Don. I love you too much for that." She said

"Then lets get back together again we can make it work." I suggested moving forward to touch her arm but she plased her hands in frond of her to stop me from moving forward.

"No Don its over you can go home now." She

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