Chapter 16

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Sydney's POV

Hunter hugs me tightly as Alex tries to hold himself back from punching the wall. "Alex." I say looking up at him in tears. He looks back at me with a look I'll never forget. A look of disappointment and fear and a bunch of different emotions wrapped in one. He walks up to me and hugs me tightly. I hug him back even tighter. "We need to get out of here. Fast." He says running his hand through my hair. "Tomorrow." Hunter sighs. "What if he comes back before that," I ask as more tears fall from my eyes. "You see him you run," Alex says looking at me. I nod. Then I let go of him and sit on the couch and put on the tv to distract myself from the several million thoughts I had running through my mind. Hunter and Alx join me and Hunter puts his arm around me and hugs me. Later that night there's another knock at the door. Alex opens it and there he stands again. "Go. Away!" Alex yells. I stop him. "What do you want?" I ask trying to keep calm. He pulls a blanket out of his jacket pocket. "I gave this to you when you were 3." He says looking at the blanket. "That's bullshit." I groan. I run upstairs and grab the same looking blanket from a box. "This was given to me when I was 3 by my mother," I say looking at him. He sighs knowing I don't believe his bullshit lies. "Just go," I say looking him straight in the eyes. "Just go," I say again. He still doesn't move. "GO!" I yell at him. He jumps a little and looks at me with wide eyes. "Alex hand me my phone," I say, he does. I dial 911 and put the phone up to my ear. "911 what's your emergency." A lady asks. "There's this man that's outside my house and he won't leave," I say looking straight at him. "What's the address?" She asks. I tell her and then hang up. "You have about 3 minutes to get out of here or the cops get here, and I know you're name and what you look like I'm not afraid to tell them." I smile. I shut the door in his face. I look out the window as he sits on the steps and waits. "You have to be fucking kidding me," I groan sitting on the couch. Soon the police come and talk to him. "I'm their father!" He says as the police cuff him. "Yeah, but we don't want you here. And we asked you to leave. MANY MANY TIMES!" I yell out the door. They take him away and Alex, Hunter and I pack up the last of my stuff and wait for the Uhaul. When it gets here we put my stuff in there and then my mom, Maya, Hunter, Alex and I get in her car and drive to Alex's house. Leaving my old life behind and waiting to begin my new life. 

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