Chapter 26

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Sydney's POV

As Hunter's mom drove us to the airport I mentally prepared myself for his departure... again. I played with the ring on my finger, I habit I had picked up overnight. 

"I'll see you soon," Hunter says as he gets out. This time, he didn't have a suitcase of clothes, it was just him. 

Tears trickled down my face out of instinct. It was hard to let go. I run into his arms and hug him tightly.

"I love you. I love you so much," I mumble, my voice cracking as I speak. 

"I love you too," He sighs as he puts me down. He kisses me deeply. I could tell he didn't want to let go. I didn't either. An announcement is made about the boarding and Hunter says his last goodbyes to me and his mother.

"I'll text you when I land," He promises. I nod and watch him walk away. 

The ride back to my house is silent, only the music from the car radio is heard.

"Thanks, Momma," I smile as I get out of the car and turn to my house. Joey is sitting on the front porch.

"Hey Joey, What's up?" I ask as I walk up to him.

"Can we take a walk and talk?" He asks. I nod and help him up before starting to walk down the street.

"What's wrong?" I ask looking towards him.

"I like you." His words make me stop in my tracks. 

"You... You... Hunter is your best friend," I say looking at him.

"I know. And if I could stop it I would. But I can't. Syd, you're beautiful and funny and amazing," He says. I turn around and start walking back to my house. "Syd, I'm sorry," He calls after me.

"I need to go home. You need to go home. And we're going to forget about this. Because I'm dating Hunter. And Hunter makes me happy," I say as a small tear slides down my cheek. 

"Are you saying that to convince me or yourself?" Joey yells. I ignore him and continue walking.


This sucks. Sorry!

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