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A couple days had past and I was hanging out with Eclipse trying to keep his mood up. He was planning on meeting with this man and his family. I had asked to tag along and he was all for it, although I did see slight worry cross his face. We headed out without John knowing and to an abandoned building where we were to pick up the family. They arrived just in time.

"This is Salali she is here for you to feel comfortable she is also a non-mutant like you two." This irritated me beyond belief. I just smiled along. I would always listen to the last thing my parents told me and follow it. That's when we heard the sentinal services coming.

"Who did you tell?" Screamed Eclipse. I just watched the exchange between the two men and the families fear. I took a deep breath and finally spoke.

"Um guys let's get going." That's when the door smashed open and it was Thunderbird.

"Come run!" Everyone followed my brother and the girl they saved a few days ago. Eclipse and I were running in the back. We were being chased by machines one grabbing my brothers leg. Eclipse helped get it off as we were cornered in. Everyone but me and the boy were using our powers.

"Step back now!" I stepped forward confusing the hell out of the 2 that knew me. I pulled the water out of the air and smashed some of the machines. More continued to come as I blew them all back. I then made a wall around all of us with the concrete so that could open a teleport window so we could get out. As she opened the portal and we all went threw I turned around and put down the concrete back to normal. No evidence I was ever there. I jumped through the portal at the last minute to see I was back at headquarters. Everyone had gotten back on their feet as John grabbed me and dragged me to another room.

"I knew you had mutant abilities I just wondered when and where they would show." He said hugging me.

"Look John I feel as though I need to tell you something." He looked at me confused. "I have had these powers since I was 7." He did not move. "I can control fire, earth, water, and air. I have been strengthening myself for years with these powers. Combining them together but also putting what ever I do back to normal so I don't look like I was there. So I can't be traced."

"What how could you not have told me? I got mine when I was 18."

"Ya when you joined the military."

"What happened when you were 7." I could not being myself to tell him. Tears started to roll down my face as I closed my eyes and turned away from him.

"Does anyone else know?"

"Mom and Dad knew they told me not to tell a soul till I needed to do something to protect us. Till it was time for me to join the fight and my power was needed. Dad said I would know when that is. So everyday I have meditated on it figuring out when it was right."

"What about all those times before when we could have used you?"

"It was not time, I was not ready, everyone else was not ready. Although when I saw those 2 kids I knew it was time."  I continued not to look at him. that's when I felt a surge of energy hit the building. I looked up and around the building. "What was that?"

"What was what?"

"There was an energy blast did you not feel it?"

"No but you do know what that means."

"No what?" He pushed me and laughed

"You know."

"No big brother what?"

"Your soul mate is also a mutant and just came into their powers" I grabbed his arms and started to jump up and down. "oh little Salali" He smiled and headed away from me. I headed up to my room just so I could relax a little before more trouble started to find Polris.

The Gifted - Thunderbirds' SisterWhere stories live. Discover now