Chapter 2

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Laur's P.O.V

I was currently sitting in my last period class, which was Geography. Super boring. I sat all the way in the back of the class and stared at the clock patiently waiting for it to ring, dismissing class.

And just by my luck it did.

I gathered up all my books and walked out of the classroom with my head low.

I walked down the hall to my locker when I tripped over something, dropping my books.

I heard laughter, turning around I saw Matt's 'friends'.

I was used to this, and knew it was never going to stop.

I wasn't even going to look at them.

"Whore" one of them yelled.



I ignored the comments and tried my hardest to not cry, I was stronger than those hateful comments.

I soon heard the footsteps of the group of guys fade away.

As I was picking up my books, two figures crouched down and helped me.

I looked up and there was Luke and Sophie.

They gave me a sympathetic smile while they helped me pick up my books.

They try their hardest to help me, and I'm so grateful to have them as my friends.

We all stood up and they both embraced me into a hug.

They want to help me, so badly.

But if my mom or dad ever found out about the bullying she'd end up switching me to a different school and the last thing I want to do is leave my bestfriends. The ones who have been there for me since day one.

I'm not even sure why I got bullied, guess I was different, or lucky.1

They let go of me and we all walked down the hall while I asked how their day went.

We walked outside the doors as I continued to listen to them talk but for some reason I just always seem to find myself zoning out, so I just nod my head and smile.

We reached the sidewalk and I turned to them.

"I'll see you later okay?" I said.

They nodded their heads and walked the other direction.

"Love you Laur!" They both screamed.

I chuckled and smiled at the ground, I love them so much.

I walked down the sidewalk, quietly staring at my feet until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and as soon as I did I was pushed down onto the hard sidewalk, my head being the first thing it came into contact with. I heard laughter, I assumed it was the group of boys.

My vision went blurry as I layed there on the ground. I've never gotten bullied this physically, to the point where I'm about to black out.

"What the hell guys!" I heard someone scream but couldn't make out the voice.

Someone rushed to my side and picked me up.

The figure began to run while carrying me.

"Lauren, talk to me." He screamed, his voice cracking.

My vison became darker, and I could barely hear anything, then everything went black.

Changing Him - Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now