Bed Ridden

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"Sophie," I felt Joey shake me awake gently, "You can't stay in bed babe, you have to study, come on, just for an hour."

"I'm sick." I said, my pillow muffling my voice.

Joe sat down next to where I lay, "Soph, you're not sick, you're scared and that's okay, but you can't stay in here forever."

"I'll do what I want."

"Soon your dad'll come check on you personally and he'll probably know what-"

I shot up, "Stop! Don't you think this is exactly what I'm afraid of?" Tears started to form but I took a deep breath and suppressed them. "I'm not leaving this room because a thousand prepubescent boys have seen me half naked Joey! You don't get it! I'm the only one here! I am alone! I was knocked out by someone I don't even know, yet am tied to because of you!" I shouted, an anger erupting from me that I didn't know I had.

Joey got up, he didn't fight back, he didn't get angry at me, which I was thankful for because the moment I said those things I regretted them.

"I'm sorry." I said, feeling small.

"No, I am." He had his 'I'm not mad just disappointed voice' on. "I'm going to the library. You need to at least study for a little bit. I'll see you later." And he was gone.

I sighed. Sophie Laney, ruining relationships since 2000!

I looked to my bed side table and noticed the chicken soup Joey had left for me. The guilt washed over me quickly and easily.

I gained the energy to get dressed into some sweatpants and black singlet, my hair still in a messy bun from sleep.
I got out my science text book and started my revision, God I hate this.

Joe's POV

I can't believe I did that! I am an idiot. A complete fucking idiot. It's my fault Sophie experienced Jackson that way. I shouldn't have been talking about us in public, it's my fault I talked to Jackson like I was top shit, cos I'm not, I'm very average shit to say the least. And now Sophie's too scared to leave the room because of pure embarrassment and lack of self worth.

What am I suppose to do?!

I feel eyes staring, so intently it's like they're burning lasers through the back of my skull. I hear a bunch of chuckles all at once and turn quickly.

One of the guys, Giles from math class, came up and sat in the chair next to me. We'd done some assignments together and often sat together in class. "So buddy, how's Sophie going?" He asked me between exaggerated chews of his pink bubble gum.

"None of your business." I continued writing my notes.

"Oooh come on," He continued quietly, we were in the library after all, "We've all seen 'em... any chance you could get a couple more, you know-"

"Back off, you're way outta line." I said sternly.

"Woah Positano!" I hated when people called me by my last name, it's like they own me, only my closest friends can do that. "Calm down!"

"You want ME to calm down?" I bit back at him but still kept my voice quiet, as I said we're in the library. "Sophie's pictures got sent out to the whole school, she's the only fucking girl here mate! Think about how she's feeling right now! You can go get your creepy pictures from wherever you want on the internet, but Sophie is real and you know her and she doesn't deserve creeps like you and your buddies over there being dickheads, on top of everything else going on in her life. Have a little sympathy." I spat out.

"Alright man, I'm- I'm sorry." Giles was genuinely startled by how I spoke to him, I'd never been like that before, Sophie was still making me feel things and act in new ways that I can't explain.

I needed to do something for her. Something special. Something that could relieve her pain for at least the night.


I finished off the last of my biology notes, my brain boggled from hours in the same stuffy room.

The door to my room opened and a smiling Joey stepped through.

"Hi-" I started, but was cut of by Joey getting on one knee, to be the same height as me sitting in my desk chair, and kissing me. It felt like I hadn't done this in years. I missed him.

He pulled away, holding my hands, "I have something for you."


"You need you to go somewhere with me."

"We can't it's lights out already!"

"Trust me, it's fine, just put this on." Joey held out a red bandana.


Thank you for reading the nineteenth chapter! Please vote and comment, new one out soon I promise xoxo

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