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Above is Owen's general look, I see him a little different to that but I can't find the right picture, you imagine him as however you like though :)

"Okay look, he's really not that bad, you'll like him... mostly. Please just play nice." I tried to convince Joey that having Owen here wasn't going to be complete torture for him.

"This is the guy that had sex with you, then outed you to your entire school! How am I suppose to trust him?" He was pacing the room now, rushing his hands through his already distressed hair. He'd been growing it out and was starting to try the odd top knot, I like a man bun but could hardly take him seriously with it.

"Joe. Please. He wasn't even the one that told everyone, it was Sasha that did it, just be glad she's not coming. Owen is actually a half decent guy and he's gonna be here any minute-"

Knock, knock, knock. He's here. I hadn't seen him in a year, I didn't even say goodbye to him when I left.

I hesitated, then walked apprehensively to the door and opened it.

"Sophie!!!" Owen's familiar body enclosed me in a bear hug, almost lifting my up with his strength. "I missed you babe!"

"It's good to see you." I sized him up, I forgot how tall he was, I felt like a child next to him. He was wearing a tight white t-shirt, fitting against his muscles gained through hours of training for Football, blue jeans and a baseball cap. Classic Owen attire.

It seemed that Joe felt this way too, but he took the challenge of height differently, by greeting Owen with a tight handshake, his knuckles went pale white, and simply saying "I'm Joe."

"Good to meet you mate." Owen kept his smile and patted Joe on the back, looking him up and down. "So, you two..." He pointed between us and moved his eyes from my face to Joe's.

"Yeah." Joey stepped closer to me and grabbed my hand, "5 months now."

"That's great Sophie! You always wanted something long term didn't you?"

I just smiled and slightly nodded in response.

Owen ended the awkward silence that followed this, "Maybe you could show me to my room?"

"Yeah of course!" I jumped forward, "I'll show Owen around and see you at dinner okay?" I looked up Joey mindfully and kissed him on the cheek, I couldn't read him right now, god knows how he was feeling.



"So we'd just won the game, up by twenty! It was amazing! Then after the game getting a bite to eat, I get the call from your dad saying I can still play ball over here, that the team is top standard and I'd fit in perfectly." Owen was in the process of telling me how he got here, when he'd gotten the call from my dad, as we were making our way to his dorm room.

"That's great Owen." I said unconvincingly.

"So what's been happening with you? I wanna know everything." We entered his room, identical to mine in most ways, and he started to unpack his bags.

"It was pretty tough at first, for a while I was really thrown around and treated like dirt, you could say what happened last year felt like it was being repeated... but it's better now, and honestly dad only really brought you here to 'protect' me but I'm fine now so..."

"Honestly Soph, I do know a little bit of what's gone down, and no matter what, even if you think you're okay now, you don't know what's gonna happen in the future, and you know that we work - no matter what happens you and me, we're a good pair. Just trust me babe, having me here is gonna be a good thing."

"Okay but, if you're gonna stay here you've gotta stop calling me babe and shit, Joey's already pissed enough as it is with having you here, having you calling me cute names isn't gonna help."

"No problem, I'll call you nothing but Sophie every time I address you."

I sat down next to him on his bed, as he finished off putting his t-shirts in his top draw.

"We need to talk about what happened last year." Owen said, putting his hand warmly on mine, comforting me.

"What's there to say, Owen?" I broke this hand hold immediately.

"There's a lot to say! You left without saying a word Sophie, I really cared about you, we shared something real-"

"Yeah and that something was then shared with the whole school! I didn't tell Sasha what happened, I know Kyle didn't talk about it, I mean there wasn't time to talk about it; we had fucking sex and the next day everybody knows!"

"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! You've gotta believe me I didn't say anything to Sasha."

"Who else was there? You, me and Kyle, that's it! Nobody else knew and you both promised you wouldn't tell anyone!" I stood now, distancing myself from him. "I regret it so much. You were my first, it was half special you know that? Then you pressure me into getting with Kyle as well, said he'd just broken up with his girlfriend and needed a pick me up. And I just had to be there didn't I? To pick him up. You know I didn't want to do that."

"I did not pressure you! You did it willingly! Basically jumped on him. You know it Sophie, don't make me look like the bad guy here, I would never pressure you into anything. You know the type of person I am, admit I never did that."

I looked at him with empty eyes, "Okay... so maybe you didn't pressure me, maybe I just want more reasons to hate you, but it's really hard you know that? Hating you is so hard."

"You don't hate me Sophie, you know it. Even after everyone found out about what happened I was there for you, but you pushed me away and left without saying good bye! I was hurt too!"

"Look. I'm over it okay? I'm over what happened and I'm over this conversation. I'm not gonna make the immature move and try to ignore you for the next six months. I'm not gonna act like a total bitch towards you because I know you're not gonna be a dick to me, which kind of sucks because it'd be way easier to hate you right now." We both gave a sigh of exasperation.

"I'm not asking you to forget what happened, I just want us to move forward." He gave me his classic "Owen look", hitting me with the eyes I could stare into for days, the little dimples and smirk of pink lips that mean 'it's gonna be okay'.

Owen held out a hand for me to shake, I went for it and he pulled me into a hug, I could feel his godly muscles contracting. "You weren't getting away without one." I swear I heard him smell my hair.

"Let's go get some food." I led him out of the doorway, towards the next obstacle: meeting the mates.


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