I AM...

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"Please stop!!  No,  no please... I'll do whatever you say but for god sake let her go...

No, no Noooo...... Bang!!"

I woked up panting heavily on my bed " It was a Dream" I muttered to myself. I didn't realise that my clothes were drenched in sweat. Some beads of sweat are still trailing down on my forehead, I rubbed them off and switched on the lights of my night stand. 6:00 AM I placed back my phone on the night stand and stretched my hands.

I finished my morning business and slipped in my Black Gucci Suit and tied my long hair in a high ponytail, You know it's so hard to take care of your hair when they are so long like rapunzel. Ok, ok,  not like her but still my hair go down to my thighs, I think it's is in my genes. I have a very fair complexion with pink lips and a good height of 5'6. I wore my black Rolex on my wrist and wore my heels, I applied a little make up and I was ready for my office.
I lifted my black overcoat on my hand and took my phone in other. I climbed down the stairs with clicking heels which filled the silence Click clock, click clock.I grabbed my breakfast which was prepared by our butler, I called him "J" because his name is quite long, so "J" sounds cool and easy. J is not a servant his like a family because he is here from many years. I took my meal from dinning table and walked out through the main door. 

"Good Morning, Mam" my chauffeur greeted me and opened the door of my black Mercedes, with a smile I nodded a little and slipped in.

With the age of 26 I am the business tycoon of this city. I have my own business which is running fantastically, I have my own mansion, A great bank balance, Cars, Restaurants, hotels etc, etc. But for whom? I didn't have anyone with whom I can share all these things.

Now I know why all the Millionaire's in entire world are so Rude!. Accept Tony stark. *scoffed

I reached to my destination in 45 minutes, And looked at the tall building which is addressed as "BIBHAR CO-OPERATIONS". I closed my eyes and took a sigh
"Lets do this" I mumbled in confidence and walked towards the entrance.

Every one greeted me with "Good Mornings" and "Have a good day" whole office was filled with these two words. Yup, I am the boss here and I own this company. "Good Morning, Mam. We have a conference meeting in one hour and the important files are already placed in your office" My 23 years old PA Natasha told me while she punched the elevator buttons for me.

Elevator doors opened and we walked together towards my office. I opened my office door,  placed my coat on couch  and started gaping at my table which was assembled neatly, I looked at every single thing which is placed on my table. My computer, Pen holder, some files and most important thing that golden bar on which my name was engraved very beautifully "SONHIL BIBHAR, CEO"

Yeah, I know, I know that my name is a bit horrible, I also think about this when I was a kid but Now I am proud of it, I was so busy in my own thoughts that I didn't noticed my secretary was still on the gate.


"You may leave"
I told her in a cold tone. She was thinking what kind of person I am who gaped so creepily to her own desk. I slapped my forehead lightly and took my seat which belongs to me.

I was having my breakfast when my phone blinked, it was Mr.Peter Ford who invested in my company. But why he is calling, I took the call and placed it on my ear.

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