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"And now I will request to the CEO of Bibhar co- operations  to come up and give you some words. So, student's give him a big round of applause for Mr. Sahil Bibhar! " with that our principal stand aside and whole auditorium filled with the sound of claps and some of them whistling too. It felt more like little fire works cracking in our auditorium.

Mr.CEO slowly walked to stage and waved towards the crowed humbly. Damn! He's hot, the way he smiles, the way of shaking hands. I don't understand, how could somebody be so perfect. He have a very handsome face no there's no doubt in that but why did he holds so much attitude on it. Smile suits his face perfectly but yeah, you can't decline the fact that he is a CEO of such huge company so, he owns a very rights to be moody though.

"Damn! He's hot" jazz said sitting besides me.

I startled and look her, she was drooling on him. Drooling must be an understatement she was literally undressing him.
I rolled my eyes and poked her in the ribs with my elbow.

"Aah!" Her bubble pops, she exclaimed and give me the what-did-i-do-now look. No, I'm serious how can somebody act so sluty. I shoot daggers in her direction "Shh" I said and shifted my gaze back to Mr.CEO.

His every move, every gesture is so smooth, attractive and classy which is making him the centre of attraction even the back benchers of our college who didn't even care about anything are listening to him and girls, they're almost drooling on him. 

I was expecting him to be serious but all he's doing is cracking jokes and was making everyone laugh by telling his story when he's in college.

"Yeah! That's true, I was not a good student at all. I've been punished so many times that one day principal sir, made he's mind to expelled me at any cost and the reason behind this is I've didn't submitted my assignments for ages" our principal throw back his head and laughed with everyone.

Mr.CEO looked him and then to us with a smile plastered on his face. He looked down and smile to himself and opened his mouth to say " Now, that we are in a good so let's start some serious business" and again he wore his I-am-Mr-arrogant-rude-Businessman look. He changes his expression like clothes just in a flick of eye. But I like his smiley face more than this. It looks so good on him, he looks more attractive init. I'm not saying that he didn't look good in this but that expression suits him the best.

"So, let's start some serious business. You're principal called me here to give you a "Motivational speech". He said and stared towards our principal.

"But there are only two things I could do right now is first, that I can give you a good 15 mins of speech or I can put the mirror of this world in front of you. See,
Most people only pay attention to the final product of a
successful entrepreneur.

They say things like, “ I can never be like them” or "they got lucky".
What most don’t see, is what they’ve overcome. 
All the struggles, the daily rejections, the heart aches...
the betrayals, the rumors, the criticism...
the empty bank account, and all those lonely nights while trying to make their vision a reality.

You see the only difference between the one who quits and the one who doesn’t is 
that they showed up every day,
they worked hard every day,
they hustled every day, 
they learned from a proven mentor every day,
they improved every day;

They did all this even though they felt like quitting every day.
And eventually,
they became who they are today.
And I'm the living example" he opened his arms wide like Tony stark in iron man, everybody clapped again and it was reflexive. His voice holds so much power and energy in it that it made everybody in the hall felt energetic as well, including me.

We stopped clapping when we got control over our mind. I'm not exaggerating but trust me the man standing in front of us is commanding every single soul and every single mind present in this hall.
Even my bestie jasmine too. Every eye in this hall were glued on him, watching his every gesture, listening to his voice.

"And remember just one thing,  An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. When life is dragging you back with difficulties it means it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming" he said and stand aside to leave. He pulled out the sunglasses from his coat and climbed down the stairs to approached the main gate. All student rose up from their seats and clapped their hands loudly everyone was flabbergasted by his words and from everyone means everyone. But, before wearing his sunglasses he glance at me for like 3 second, I was forget to breath when his eyes met with mine and then, he left It was like a movie. He came in, gave some speech and left without sparing a single second. I'm not complaining but he could spend some more minutes with us.

I was still looking towards the door, waiting for him to come back. But who am I joking? He is the CEO. He has a company to run. My heart beat raised automatically whenever he is around. I know we barely know each other and met just for a second, but it felt like I know him for years. Like there's something between us. I don't know what but "something".


I was snapped out of my own thoughts when jazz shouted in my ears. I startled, she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"What happened space chick?" She asked.

I smiled and stared back the door again "Nothing".







SPEECH - Patrick
QUOTE courtesy - Facebook.



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