A Suprise Visit

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You gave out a sigh as you lean back onto your chair as you finished typing the last text. You stare at it,blinking slowly. You streched,hearing a 'pop' sound as you smiled.

You have been sitting for almost like 3 hours as you tried to stand up,your legs shaking a little. You went and plugged in the printer to your computer as you started to print them one by one.

You leaned onto the nearest wall,arms crossed as you waited. You took out your phone and checked the time.

12:34 am

Time sure goes by fast..

You thought before placing your phone back and grab the papers,
arranging them one by one as more papers started to get printed.

Once all of them have been printed,you unplugged the printer as you grab the papers,grunting a little. You carefully made it back to your workplace without causing any ruckuss.

You sat back down onto your chair,placing the papers onto your table as you stared at your screen. You sighed quitely before doing your job.


A luxurious black car has just arrived infront of the building,stopping by at the entrance. The driver came out of the driver's seat before making his way to open the back seat.

Once the driver opened the back seat,a girl stepped out of the car followed by two other males as they stood infront of the building.

"Looks like we're here boys.." the girl said,smirking as she stared at the building throught her sunglasses. She was wearing well expensive clothes and stuff while the guys just wore casual but formal clothes.

"I can't believe that we're actually going in.." muttered Jungkook as he stared at the building with boredom. Taehyung just shake his head.

"Let's go." She said before walking towards the building,the two boys following as the black car drove off to probably find a place to park.

Once they entered the building,people stopped to look but then continue to do their own business. The girl could only frowned as she stared at all of them.

"How come they only look and not care? I was supposed to be well-known because of my tittle.." she muttered.

"That's because you're still a teenager and they think that you're just here to get a job or something." Jungkook replied,shrugging.

"Then what are you guys supposed to be? My parents?" She said,staring at the two. Taehyung casually swung his arm around jungkook's shoulder with a grin plastered to his face.

"Maybe or not we're your brothers..fake brothers apparently that is helping our 'sister' here." Taehyung said.

She just rolled her eyes at him before making her way towards the desk where a lady stood behind it. She walk up towards her and asked if she could meet with the CEO.

"Do you have an appointment with him?" The lady asked.

She shake her head.

"No but I am a close friend and I wanted to speak with him for a moment."

"Alright,wait for a moment please."

She then waited with the other two,Taehyung and Jungkook right behind her as the lady then started doing some stuff before she turn to look at them.

"You can meet him now at the fourth floor but the elevator isn't working at the moment so please take the stairs." The lady said,pointing towards the stairs.

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