Being woken up by your phone ringing as it lays somewhere you don't really know can be rather frustrating. Which caused Ara to violently pat around her bed, still tucked in her blankets and with eyes closed, to look for her phone.

As soon as she answered it, she balanced it on the side of her head right on top of her ear so she could cuddle back into her sheets, being too lazy to hold her phone.

"Yes?" She called out sleepily.

"What are you doing?" a familiar voice rang out from her phone.

"Taehyung, why are you calling me so early in the morning?"

The boy chuckled, "It's 12"

"Oh" Ara said opening her eyes and squinting at the clock, but despite her better judgment, she immediately closed her eyes again.

"What are you planning to do today?" Taehyung asked, returning back to his first question.

"I need to go grocery shopping" Ara remembered, rubbing her eyes to remove the sleep from them.

"I'm going to come with you" Taehyung decided and Ara opened her eyes.

"Just come outside when you're ready" he said after she had stayed silent for a while.

"WAIT YOUR OUTSIDE?!" And Ara was fully awake and running towards the window.

Sure enough, there was a black Range Rover parked outside of her apartment complex.

"Yep" Taehyung laughed, causing to Ara's face to heat up.

"Let me get ready" Ara said, walking into the bathroom.

"Okay just come outside when you're done" Taehyung reminded her and after that he ended the call.

After a few minutes, Ara was walking towards the curb where Taehyung's car was situated, holding her purse and phone in one of her hands.

The window rolled down as she approached the car and opened it's door.

"You're looking as beautiful as always my dear" Taehyung stated, looking her up and down.

"You've literally only known me two days" Ara pointed out as Taehyung drove off into traffic.

"So you're just going to ignore the fact I complemented you?" Taehyung asked her and she simply shrugged.

"Why do you want to go grocery shopping with me? I don't even want to go grocery shopping with me" Ara pondered and looked at Taehyung as he produced an answer.

"I missed you" he smiled at her as she tilted her head at him.

"We literally saw each other..." she paused to calculate how many hours had passed, "12 hours ago"

"But I've missed you" he pouted reaching over to hold her hand.

Ara stared down at it as if it was so uncommon for people to hold each other's hands making Taehyung chuckle.

"Do you not like that?" He asked, noticing her reaction and smirking as the car came to a stop at a traffic light, "or do you prefer it if I do this?" And he released his hand and grabbed her thigh instead.

Taehyung looked very pleased with himself as Ara looked at him with a shocked face. Being the shy girl she was, she pried his hand off her leg and held it instead making him giggle.

"You're so cute~" he sang, looking down at their intertwined hands that were resting in her lap.

"And you're so handsome" Ara replied, accidentally letting that slip.

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