"We're fucking screwed," Chanyeol stated as he paced back and forth across the kitchen, "We are fucking  screwed" 

"Calm down will you?!" Chaerin said agitatedly, looking at the boy with wide eyes filled with annoyance.

Ara simply sat at the counter tracing the rim of her coffee mug which was turning cold each second, but she didn't feel like drinking it. 

"We are not screwed, okay? Our plan can still work, all we have to do is infiltrate the government system," Chaerin said casually, shrugging her shoulders as she took a sip from her coffee. 

"All we have to do is infiltrate the government? " Chanyeol retaliated through gritted teeth, "Oh, what ever was I worrying about? That is such an easy peasy lemon squeezey errand to do, why that is such a GOOD IDEA CHAERIN "

Ara was rather frightened by Chanyeol, he sounded like a madman, even looked like one too - his messy hair and dark eye bags that had recently made an appearance really completed the insane look, but Chaerin on the other hand, just looked even more enraged. 

"WELL DO YOU HAVE A BETTER IDEA?" she shouted, standing up from her chair. 

Chanyeol's fury seemed to die down and his shoulders deflated as he came to the conclusion that he didn't have a better plan. The boy collapsed on the chair next to him, and he laid his whole upper torso on the countertop, he sniffed, "no".

Chaerin let out a sigh, "neither do I," and she too collapsed on her chair. 

The three were silent for a while, the only sound was of the traffic outside which hummed through the windows of Ara's apartment. 

Then, Chaerin sat up and turned to face Ara, "Ra, I know this is a lot to ask but, you're going to have to hack into the government system..." she said gently as she tried to look at Ara's face which was currently facing down into her coffee mug.

Ara looked up and stared at Chaerin who had an apologetic smile on her face. 

"Alright," she sighed, "when?"

A million thoughts ran through Ara's head; 'What on earth have we gotten ourselves into?' was a rather frequent one which came up every other second. She was fully aware of the danger of getting caught, getting arrested, but that was always apparent to her. But a new thought had come up causing her to hesitate, 'What would Taehyung think?'

Chanyeol sat up suddenly as if he'd been electric shocked, "You're- you're actually going to go along with it?!" 

Ara shot him an exasperated look, "What else can we do?" 

Deep inside Ara knew that there were other possibilities, other possibilities where they probably wouldn't end up in jail, but this once, she acted irrationally and seemed to see no other possible way. 

Again, Chanyeol deflated and assumed his previous position on the counter top, "okay, infiltrate the government it is" 

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