"It's just a bunch of other security footage they've deleted and some other drafts of codes" Ara stated, looking at her phone to see the two apprehensive faces of Chaerin and Chanyeol.

"I can't believe you did that all by yourself Ara " Chanyeol stated.

"What do you mean? Ara is 100% capable of stealing a memory stick from a criminal hacker if she's able to steal files from the police" Chaerin exclaimed, a proud smile on her face.

Ara smiled, "is that supposed to make me feel better?" 

Chaerin's smile faltered, " Ara, we're doing things for good reasons" 

Ara sighed, looking at the screen. 

"And I'm sure Taehyung will understand," Chanyeol offered and it was so ridiculous that it made Ara laugh.


"Why do you look so scared to go in, you've already met the boys, I thought we've done this already?" Taehyung laughed, dragging Ara who was clutched to his arm.

She was scared. Extremely scared that if anyone in that building looked at her too closely, they'd figure out that she had hacked into the jewellers, the police station, stole files and was planning to hack into the government system later on that week as well.

So she clung onto Taehyung to protect herself. But even then, every time she looked at Taehyung , she felt too guilty and came very close to spilling everything several times. 

They made their way to the seventh floor, a large open room with many different box separations in the middle of it. When standing up, she could clearly see over the heads of them, many people sitting at desks all busy with their work and at the far left towards the back of the room she could see Jungkook and Jimin, who were spinning around in their chairs. 

"Idiots," Taehyung said, but a grin was sneaking onto his face. 

The box separation in their area gave them a large space, the three desks were in a triangle, Jungkooks next to Jimin's and Taehyung's on the opposite side, next to a large filing cabinet. 

"Ara!" Jimin exclaimed, waving at her every time his chair turned around to face them.

"It's-nice-to-see-you!" Jungkook said, but only when his chair spun to face them, "I-was-wondering-when-we-would-see-you-again" 

"Here" Taehyung said, pulling out the chair behind his desk for Ara to sit on. Her heart fluttered at the gesture. 

Taehyung sat on his desk, letting his long legs brush against Ara's, he leant back at stared at her. 

Ara furrowed her eyebrows, "What?" then stuck out her tongue.

Taehyung chuckled and rolled his eyes before turning back to the two crackheads behind him. 

"So have you two just been goofing around all day or have you actually made some progress?"

"50/50" Jungkook remarked and spun his chair faster, taking his attention off Taehyung immediately.

Ara sat laughing, how can these two boys be adults? 

Whilst she did, Taehyung reached over for his mouse and began typing away, Ara glanced at the screen only to see the big emblem of Kim co-operation as the background. It was a large circle with a tiger and a lion and foliage surrounding what look like a coat of arms, three swords, a set of scales and a feather. 

The emblem was then covered with a tab Taehyung just opened, a bunch of code. 

Ara's heart froze.

"That's what I have to deal with" Taehyung said, leaning back as if defeated, "it's racking my brains, if I ever have to read code for another case, I'm quitting" 

Ara felt her heart in her throat. The code was hers

She slowly moved her leg away, tucking it underneath the chair so that Taehyung couldn't feel her shaking. Ohmygosh I'm in big trouble, please let us leave... 

Taehyung surfed through the file and stopped at another piece of code. Thankfully it was not Aras but her heart still had not returned to its rightful place. 

Jaehuns code was recognisable, she had examined it throughly so seeing it was almost like seeing her own work.

"This code is what gave us a break through, " Taehyung started, "Namjoon hyung said that this code had popped up through the mass hackings that were completed yesterday, he says that his team have tracked it down to some sort of organisation, but they've got too many fire walls up to let us get through this stuff easily"  and he gestured to the screen. 

"Mass hackings?" Ara said in a small voice.

"Yeah," Jimin answered from his desk which he had now returned to, "Multiple places yesterday were hacked, and we were able to get to a set of code which suggested there was some type of login people had to fill out, which means-"

"There's not just one hacker, it's a whole organisation~" Jungkook interrupted dramatically, shaking his hands in front of his face and crouching as if he was telling a scary ghost story to a child. 

"But that's as far as we got," Taehyng finished, now playing with Ara's chair so that she swirled around, side to side. 

She looked up to Taehyungs face, how much would it cost for her to just come clean now? To tell him she new exactly who it was and exactly what she had done. Ara never thought she would do anything illegal in her entire life but now all the guilt was attacking her at once and she couldn't take it. 

But she couldn't say anything. So she just took Taehyungs hand instead.

He looked up at her through his lashes, eyes filled with amusement and he gave her a smirk. He squeezed her hand and rubbed his thumb on the base of her thumb and then stood up, dragging her with him. 

"Want to go eat some dinner?" 

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